英语PK台 第766期:新环境交友指南(在线收听

 Dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, can I ask you a personal question?
Mark: Sure, if it's not too personal.
Jingjing: Not to worry. I'm wondering: was it easy for you to make friends when you first came to China?
Mark: Yeah. Chinese people are really friendly. And, where I was working, most of the people were the same age as me.
Jingjing: You were lucky. I have a friend who's going to go live abroad for a year or longer. She's worried about feeling lonely there.
Mark: What2018/7/26's she going there to do?
Jingjing: She's going to do a Master's program.
Mark: Well, that'll keep her pretty busy. Plus, she can form a study group with schoolmates doing similar research.
Jingjing: That's true. But she's not the kind of person who likes to keep her nose in a book all the time.
Mark: Neither are most students. It's common to be in the library near closing time, and to look around and see people you know from classes, and go out for a beer in the evening or plan a hike for the weekend.
Jingjing: Let's hope she's as lucky as you were.
New words : 习语短语
a personal question 私人性质的问题
asking for information that might be private
a study group 学习小组
a small number of students working together on a research project or reviewing information from a course
keep her nose in a book 埋头苦读书
always reading and studying
Dialogue 2
Jingjing: Mark, I'm still curious if you can tell me any dos and don'ts about making friends.
京晶:马克,我还是很好奇, 能不能跟我说说关于结交朋友時应该和不应该做的事 。
Mark: Well, I'd recommend avoiding the “we can be good friends” line. I think people become friends without talking about it. Using the word “friend” too early makes it awkward.
Jingjing: That's interesting. Any other ideas?
Mark: Sure. Use social media. Let's say her school organizes a small sightseeing trip. She should post pictures. That way, her new contacts on social media can see she's an outgoing person.
Jingjing: Yeah, if you have friends already, it's much easier to make more new friends.
Mark: Exactly. Also, it'd be good to do things with groups of people, rather than just one or two.
Jingjing: Why is that?
Mark: With one person, the relationship could too quickly become intimate or boring. With two other people, she's at risk of being a third wheel.
Jingjing: But with a group, couldn't she become a wallflower?
Mark: That might happen. But at least she'd still have the chance to pick up a lot of the local language.
Jingjing: And, again, she could post pictures of the event and make it look like those are all her friends.
Mark: Right. The trick is to go out and do something with a group of people once or twice a week.
Jingjing: What if she's still feeling lonely?
Mark: She'll feel homesick and desperate at times, to be sure. Everyone goes through that, and can't find much help among locals or even other expats.
Jingjing: That sounds a little grim.
Mark: It doesn't have to be. Let's hope she puts most of her focus on her studies.
Jingjing: Let's hope so. Thanks for sharing your ideas!
New words : 习语短语
dos and don'ts 应做不应做之事
practical advice, what to do and what not to do
line 常见社交用词
something that gets said too often in conversation
a third wheel 电灯泡
a person who goes out with two people who know each other very well, and feels unwelcome
a wallflower
a person at a party who sits at the edge of the room and doesn't talk with anyone
homesick 想家,思乡
feeling sad while living away from home
desperate 绝望的,极度需要的
when a person needs friends so much that they might accept a bad friend