英语PK台 第788期: 相亲套路深(在线收听

 Dialogue 1

Mark: Hey Jingjing, whatever happened with your friend who went on that blind date?
Jingjing: It's a long story, Mark.
Mark: Well, I have time if you have time. Anyway, “a long story” sounds like it's good for at least a little gossip.
Jingjing: Um, ok. I should start by playing you a short recording from the date. My friend, Meili, used her phone under the table to get a little audio.
Mark: Oh did she? Let's have a listen.
Gaofeng: So, I just got back a few months ago.
Meili: And you found a job already. That's pretty good.
Gaofeng: It's ok. It doesn't pay very well.
Meili: But if there are chances for you to be promoted, you should stick with it.
Gaofeng: There might be chances. They seem a little distant right now. It's not very clear. The good thing is I get to use a company car.
Meili: It's good to have a car, but even better to have one of your own.
Gaofeng: I definitely agree. I plan to buy a house first, then a car later.
Meili: So, hopefully you'll make more money and still be able to use a company car.
Gaofeng: That's the idea.
Meili: How soon do you think you can buy a house?
Gaofeng: That depends on the location, and whether it's 70-year ownership or just 30.
Meili: 30 seems like a bad compromise to have to make You'd have retirement and sunset on home ownership on the same horizon.
Jingjing: The recording stops there. I have to go pick up a delivery. When I come back, I want you to guess what was special about that blind date.
Mark: Ok. See you in a few minutes.
New words : 习语短语
blind date 相亲;第一次见面约会
a date between too people who have not seen each other before, usually set up by relatives or by an online dating service
It's a long story. 说来话长
There are a lot of details, and the story might be confusing or meaningless without making all those details clear.
gossip 八卦,小道消息
interesting stories about people we know, often with embarrassing details
promoted 工作晋升
received a better job within the company where you already work
retirement 退休
when an old person stops working but still has money to live comfortably
sunset (法律的)自动废止期,效力消减期
the end of a contract period (or a law)
Dialogue 2
Jingjing: Well, Mark, can you guess what made that blind date unique?
Mark: Hmm, did the guy have a house already and just say he didn't as a test of your friend's interest in him as a person?
Jingjing: You're not far off the mark, Mark. Not only that, though, it was a stand-in guy.
Mark: What?! How, then, could we know if your friend could be interested in him as a person?
Jingjing: That might be a little weird. But the real guy wanted to screen out girls who were only looking for guys with cars and houses already. The real guy has a house and a car, and didn't want to get stuck with someone too quickly.
Mark: Yeah, I get that.
Jingjing: You know, even if someone has a house and a car, life is still pretty difficult.
Both people have to work hard and be optimistic.
Mark: So, did your friend ever get in contact with the actual guy—the one with a house and a car?
Jingjing: Well, the stand-in guy forwarded the real guy's contact information, but not before telling her that the real guy has already used the stand-in guy to screen dozens of girls.
Mark: Why did he give away information? That doesn't sound very professional.
Jingjing: The stand-in guy seemed like he was attracted to my friend. He was handsome and confident. Now my friend isn't sure how to take the next step.
Mark: Hmm. She should be careful. A flirtatious stand-in guy might be another part of the test. Maybe the real guy is super rich. Otherwise, he wouldn't be fooling around so much and wasting money on blind dates that he doesn't even attend.
Jingjing: The actor said the real guy is friends with the owner of the restaurant where they had the blind date, and gets a discount there. Anyway, beautiful girls keep showing up at the same restaurant. So, it's good advertising for his friend's business.
Mark: Well then, that sounds like a win-win.
New words : 习语短语
unique 不同寻常的
unusual, special
off the mark 大错特错,与实事大相径庭
described in ways unlike what actually happened
stand-in 替身
an actor who pretends to be someone we expect to see
interested in him as a person 对本人这个人感兴趣而不是其他
attracted to someone because of their personality, not their status or possessions
screen 筛选
meet with several people, as in job interviews, and eliminate several of them
flirtatious 举止轻佻地挑逗
to act romantic without serious intentions
fooling around 游手好闲,不干正事,搞事情
having fun, while wasting energy and not accomplishing much