世界名人故事之演员明星 第16期:贝多芬(在线收听

 19 Ludwig van Beethoven 19 路德维希·凡·贝多芬

Ludwig van Beethoven, one of history's most famous and mysterious composers died at the age of 57 with one great secret.  路德维希·凡·贝多芬是人类历史上最著名最神秘的作曲家之一,于57岁时带着巨大的秘密死去。
Upon his death, a love letter was found among his possessions.  他死后,人们在他的遗物中发现了一封情书,
It was written to an unknown woman who Beethoven simply called his Immortal Beloved. 这是写给一位不为人知的女人的。贝多芬称这个女人为不朽的爱人。
The world may never put a face with this mysterious woman or know the circumstances of their affair  世人可能永远无法知晓这个神秘的女人和他们之间发生的韵事。
and his letters are all that is left of a love as intensely passionate as the music for which Beethoven became famous.  贝多芬的信是他们之间仅存的激情和爱情的见证,一如他为之闻名的音乐作品一样激情澎湃。
Compositions such as the Moonlight Sonata as well as Beethoven's many symphonies express eloquently the tragedy of a relationship that never publicly realized. 月光奏鸣曲和他的其他交响曲的创作雄辩地证明了那场永不为世人所知的爱情悲剧。
July 6,1806 1806年7月6日
My angel, my all, my very self - only a few words today and at that with your pencil  我的天使,我的一切,我最真切的自己--今天我有几句话,是关于你对我说的话,
- not till tomorrow will my lodgings be definitely determined upon - what a useless waste of time.  --直到明天来临我的归宿才能决定下来,这真是在浪费时间。
Why this deep sorrow where necessity speaks -can our love endure except through sacrifices - except through not demanding everything  为什么我们非要这样深深地痛苦--除了牺牲,除了抛弃一切,我们的爱能延续下去吗?
- can you change it that you are not wholly mine, I not wholly thine? 你能改变我们无法完全拥有彼此的现实吗?
Oh, God! Look out into the beauties of nature and comfort yourself with that which must be  噢,我的上帝,看看壮美的大自然,用必要的方式安慰自己吧
- love demands everything and that very justly - that it with me so far as you are concerned, and you with me.  --爱情要求一切,但最有理由要求的是,你被我牵挂着,我也被你牵挂着。
If we were wholly united you would feel the pain of it as little as I! 如果我们完全结合在一起,你就会像我一样,不会感到痛苦。
Now a quick change to things internal from things external.  我们快点改变吧,从外表到内在。
We shall surely see each other;  我们一定还会再见面的。
moreover, I cannot communicate to you the observations I have made during the last few days touching my own life  我无法向你描述过去几天里那些触动我生命的感受
- if our hearts were always close together I would make none of the kind.  --如果我们的心是紧密相连的,我就不会有那样的感受。
My heart is full of many things to say to you  我心里装满了要向你倾诉的话
- Ah! - there are moments when I feel that speech is nothing after all - cheer up - remain my true, only treasure,  --噢,有时我感到语言根本没用--振作起来--继续做我真正的,我惟一的宝贝,
my all as I am yours; the gods must send us the rest that which shall be best for us. 我一切,一如我对你意义一样。上帝会用今后的一切补偿我们,那将是多么美好啊。
Your faithfully,Ludwig 你的最忠诚的,路德维希