
 Zimbabwe has a new president. Emmerson Mnangagwa was officially sworn in on August 27 following a ruling by the Constitutional Court declaring Mr. Mnangagwa the winner of the July 30 presidential election. The court dismissed a legal challenge brought by the politicalopposition, Movement for Democratic Change Alliance. The United States urges all parties torespect the Zimbabwean constitution and the rule of law.

津巴布韦选举出了新总统。埃默森 姆南加古瓦(Emmerson Mnangagwa)正式宣誓就职的日期是8月26日,此前宪法法院曾于7月30日发布了一份裁决书,宣布姆南加古瓦为获胜者。法院驳回了反对党民主变革运动联盟提起的法律质疑。美国敦促各方尊重津巴布韦宪法和法治。

The IRI-NDI Zimbabwe International Electoral Observation Mission reported severalimprovements to the electoral process compared to Zimbabwe's past elections, though equallyimportant problems gave rise to deep concerns that the process thus far has not made themark. Further reforms are necessary to meet standards Zimbabweans expect and deserve andwhich reflect regional and international best practices for democratic elections.


The United States remains concerned over politically motivated human rights violations andabuses, and acts of post-electoral retribution in Zimbabwe.


Violence and unlawful activity should not be part of the political process, and those responsiblefor such transgressions must be held accountable, said State Department spokesperson HeatherNauert. Human rights and fundamental freedoms, such as freedom of expression andassociation, must be respected, and victims and witnesses of human rights violations andabuses deserve protection under the law.

暴力和非法活动不应该成为政治进程的一部分,越雷池者必须绳之以法,国务院发言人希瑟 诺尔特(Heather Nauert)如是说道。人权和基本自由权利,比如言论自由和结社自由都应该得到尊重,违背践踏人权行为的受害者和目击者都应得到法律的保护。

The United States encourages the government of Zimbabwe to hold substantive discussionswith all stakeholders and implement electoral and broader political and economic reforms.


The United States stands ready to continue its dialogue with Zimbabwe's political, economic, and civil society leaders to foster inclusive democratic governance for the betterment of allcitizens.

