外贸英语话题王 第104期:注重细节(在线收听

   Detials registration 注重细节

  I want to have my new product registered.  找想注册我们的新产品,
  Do you know what should do for this affair. Miss Li? 您知道该怎么办吗,李小姐?
  You mean the procedure for trademark examination, don't you? 您是指商标注册的程序吗?
  Yes. 是的。
  It's not complicated.  不太复杂,
  You may contact the Trademark Office.  您可以和商标局联系,
  They will send you standard forms for you to fill out. 商标局会寄给您标准的表格让您填写。
  That sounds quite simple. 听起来很简单。
  Yes, the Trademark Office gives precedence to the person who files first.  是的,商标局对申请在先的予以优先。
  It examines the application, issues preliminary approval and publishes the trademark.  申请注册的商标由商标局审查,初步审定后,予以公告。
  If there's no justifiable opposition to it, then the registration is approved and a trademark registration certificated is issued. 如果没有正当的异议,就核准注册发给商标注册证。
  Is there a time limit for trademark rights? 商标权有有效期吗?
  Of course,by law,the protection in our country is limited to 25 years.  当然有,在我国商标依法受保护25年,
  And the trademark rights can be renewed. 而且商标权可以办延续手续。
  That's right. 太好了。
  Trademark registration may be renewed continuously.  商标注册可以无限期,
  But the producer or registrant should apply for the registration renewal every 25 years. 但生产商或注册人应每25年申请办理一次延续手续。
  That' s fair. It is not easy for a producer to establish a well recognized trademark.  这很公平,生产商闯出一个公认的名牌商标很不容易,
  He has reasons to enjoy such protection. 他理应享有此等保护。
  Even if the producer forgets to apply for registration renewal, the law grants a 5-month grace period. 即使生产商忘记申请办理商标的延展手续,也可依法享有5个月的宽限。
  That sounds good. 那太好了。
  Besides, you must notice that trademark is limited by region. 另外,您必须清楚商标受区域限制。
  That is to say.a trademark registered in China will not be legally protected in another country.  也就是说,在中国注册的商标不会在另一个国家受到法律保护,
  Am I right? 对吗?
  Yes, unless the same trademark is also registered in this country. 是的,除非同一商标也在另一国注册。
  Oh.I see. Thanks a lot. 哦,我明白了,非常感谢。