美国小学英语教材5:第4课 神奇的牛奶罐(2)(在线收听

   "Ah, wife," cried Philemon, "I fear some poor traveler is seeking hospitality among our neighbors and, 哎呀,亲爱的,菲利蒙喊道,恐怕某个可怜的旅行者正在我们的邻居那里谋求款待,

  instead of giving him food and lodging they have set their dogs at him." 但是他们没有给他提供食宿,而是让他们的狗去攻击他。
  "Well!" answered old Baucis, "I do wish our neighbors felt a little more kindness for their fellow-creatures. 唉,老柏西斯回答说,但愿我们的邻居对他们的同胞好一点。
  Only think of bringing up their children in this naughty way, and patting them on the head when they fling stones at strangers!" 想一下对孩子这样的顽皮该怎样教养,他们向陌生人扔石头时还轻拍他们的头表示赞许。
  "Those children will never come to any good," said Philemon, shaking his white head. 那些孩子永远不会学好的,菲利蒙摇着他花白头发的头说。
  "To tell you the truth, wife, I should not wonder if some terrible thing were to happen to all the people in the village if they do not learn to behave themselves. 说实话,亲爱的,我不会怀疑他们是否会遭到报应,如果村子里的人不学着好好做人的话。
  But as for you and me, so long as we have a crust of bread, let us be ready to give half to any poor homeless stranger that may come along and need it." 但是就你和我来说,只要我们有一块面包,我们就把一半分给任何一个可能会来,而且需要它的可怜的、无家可归的陌生人
  "That's right, husband!" said Baucis. "So we will!" 是的,亲爱的!柏西斯说。我们会那样做!
  These old folks, you must know, were quite poor, and had to work pretty hard for a living. 你肯定知道这些老人们非常贫穷,他们不得不靠辛苦的劳作来谋生。
  Their food was usually bread, milk, and vegetables, with sometimes honey from their beehive. 他们的食物通常是面包、牛奶和蔬菜,有时候还有来自他们蜂房里的蜂蜜。
  But they were two of the kindest old people in the world. 但是他们是世界上最善良的两个老人。