大家说英语 第453期:健康的双眼(1)(在线收听

 Welcome to the show, Dr. Eric Sight! 欢迎来到我们节目,艾瑞克·赛特博士!

Thank you, Rob. 谢谢你,罗布。
Tell us about your job, Eric. 艾瑞克,给我们说说你的工作吧。
I am an eye doctor. 我是一个眼科医生。
And eyes are important. 眼睛很重要。
Yes. We use our eyes all the time. 是的。我们一直要用眼睛。
How can people take care of their eyes? 人们应该如何照顾自己的眼睛呢?
Well, people need an eye exam every year. 嗯,人们需要每年做一次眼睛的检查。
What other tips do you have? 你还有其他技巧吗?
Drink a cup of coffee or tea! 喝一杯咖啡或者茶!
How can that help our eyes? 这样对眼睛有什么帮助呢?
Those drinks have caffeine in them. Caffeine helps our eyes make tears. Then our eyes won't feel too sore. 这些饮品含有咖啡因。咖啡因会有助于我们的眼睛流泪。这样我们的眼睛就不会觉得太酸疼了。
I didn't know that. 我之前都不知道这一点。
But be careful. Too much caffeine is bad for you. 但是一定要小心。过量咖啡因对你没有好处。
How else can we keep our eyes healthy? 还有其他什么能帮助保护眼睛健康的吗?
Take a break! 要休息!
What do you mean? 你的意思是?
Don't look at your computer or smartphone all day. Follow the 20-20-20 rule. 不要整天看电脑或者智能手机。要遵循20-20-20规定。
What's that? 那是什么?
Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. 每20分钟,看20英里外的东西20秒钟的时间。
Great advice, Eric. Thank you! 很棒的建议,艾瑞克。谢谢你!