美国有线新闻 CNN 刚果再度暴发埃博拉疫情 土耳其美国撕破脸贸易战火重燃(在线收听

Today we're starting in Central Africa. Earlier this year in May, there was an outbreak of the deadly E-Bola virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A little more than a month ago the Congolese government declared that it was over. But then just days later, the same country said there was a new outbreak and that this one's worse.


The country's Ministry of Health says there are about 57 confirmed or probable cases of E-Bola in the DRC. The new outbreak has already killed 41 people according to the United Nations. There's no cure for E-Bola. There is a vaccine that can help slow the spread of the disease. But a unique challenge for the Democratic Republic of Congo is that it's unstable. Rebel groups are fighting government forces and it's not safe even for health officials to travel in certain areas where the E-Bola virus may be spreading.


CARL AZUZ: Moving north to the nation of Turkey. A financial crisis there is taking a toll on the nation's economy. Prices of everything from food to gasoline have been rising but wages haven't. And that's creating problems for many people who live there. A big part of this has to do with the worsening relationship between Turkey and the United States. The U.S. wants Turkey to release an American named Andrew Brunson. He's a Christian pastor from North Carolina but Brunson has lived and worked in Turkey for more than 23 years.


He was arrested in 2016 after a group tried and failed to overthrow the Turkish government. Turkey has accused Pastor Brunson of supporting the group it blames for the failed coup attempt. The American Center for Law and Justice and the U.S. government say Brunson's done nothing wrong but that he was arrested mainly because of his Christian faith. For months the White House has pushed Turkey to release him. For months, Turkey has pushed the U.S. to extradite a Muslim cleric who's from Turkey but now lives in America. Turkey also blames him for being connected to the 2016 coup attempt.


To increase pressure on Turkey, the U.S. has issued economic sanctions, penalties on the country. It's i?mposed heavy tariffs on goods that America imports from Turkey. Turkey has accused the U.S. of trying to stab it in the back and responded with tariffs it imports from the U.S. All this has cost Turkey's currency the lire to weaken and inflation in Turkey to rise.

