绿野仙踪 第104期:飞猴(5)(在线收听

 "Once," began the leader, "we were a free people, living happily in the great forest,  猴王开始说:“从前,我们都自由自在,快乐地生活在大森林中,

flying from tree to tree, eating nuts and fruit, and doing just as we pleased without calling anybody master.  在树丛之间飞来飞去,丰硬壳果和水果,我们想做什么便做,没有召唤我们的主人。
Perhaps some of us were rather too full of mischief at times, flying down to pull the tails of the animals that had no wings, chasing birds,  但在我们中间,有不少同伴,时常搞恶作剧了,飞上去拉扯动物们的尾巴,因为它们飞不起来的,还追逐着鸟儿们,
throwing nuts at the people who walked in the forest.  把硬壳果投掷在森林中路过的人们身上。
But we were careless and happy and full of fun, and enjoyed every minute of the day.  但是我们的生活在无忧无虑地、快活地嬉戏之中,每一天,每一分钟都在享乐。
This was many years ago, long before Oz came out of the clouds to rule over this land." 早在奥芝从云端里下来统治这个地方之前,这样的生活,已经持续了许多年了。”
"There lived here then, away at the North, a beautiful princess, who was also a powerful sorceress.  “远离这里,在南方,有一个非常美丽的公主,她也是一个高明的魔术家。
All her magic was used to help the people, and she was never known to hurt anyone who was good.  她所有的魔术,都是用来帮助老百姓,从来不愿意去伤害任何人。
Her name was Gayelette, and she lived in a handsome palace built from great blocks of ruby.  她是一个好心肠的人,名字叫做甘林达,住在一座用大地的红宝石筑成的精美的宫殿里。
Everyone loved her, but her greatest sorrow was that she could find no one to love in return,  谁都敬爱她,但是她最大的烦恼是没有一个人,可以用爱情来报答她,
since all the men were much too stupid and ugly to mate with one so beautiful and wise." 因为她嫌所有的人都太愚笨了,也太难看了,不配作这个美丽又聪明的公主的丈夫。”
"At last, however, she found a boy who was handsome and manly and wise beyond his years.  “但是,幸运的是,她终于发现了一个男孩子,他潇洒而勇敢,并且他的聪明远远超过了他的年龄。
Gayelette made up her mind that when he grew to be a man she would make him her husband,  甘林达决定等他长大,让他作她的丈夫,
so she took him to her ruby palace and used all her magic powers to make him as strong and good and lovely as any woman could wish.  所以她把他带入红宝石的宫殿中去,用了她那神奇的魔术,使得他像所有的女人所喜欢的那么高大、善良、可爱。
When he grew to manhood, Quelala, as he was called, was said to be the best and wisest man in all the land,  他终于长大成人了,他被叫做奎拉拉,这名字的意思,是说在世界上,他是最善良最聪明的人,
while his manly beauty was so great that Gayelette loved him dearly, and hastened to make everything ready for the wedding." 当他具有男子汉的气概时,使得甘林达更爱他了,就急急地安排一切事情,准备举行婚礼。”