玩转商务英语900句 第212期:超强执行力(2)(在线收听

 The network administrator will insure normally running of the  network. 网络管理员可以保证网络的正常运行。

How about the network here? 这里的网络状况怎么样?
The network administrator will insure normally running of the net-work. 网络管理员可以保证网络的IE常运行。 
we can provide audio equipment, projectors and broadband Internet services in the meeting room if they are required. 如果您需要,我们可在会议室里提供音响设备、投影仪及宽带上网等服务。
We can provide audio equipment, projectors and broadband Internet services in the meeting room if they are required. 如果您需要,我们可在会议室里提供音响设备、投影仪及宽带 上网等服务。
Wow, you are really a wonderful organizer! 哇,你确实是一位出色的组织者! 