X星球系列故事 第20期:A Teacher(在线收听

 A Teacher 一名老师

A teacher was given a ticket for driving through a red light. When she appeared in traffic court, she asked the judge for immediate attention to her case as she was due to be back in class. The judge looked at her sternly and said,"So, you’re a school teacher? I am about ambition. You sit down at that table over there and write'I went through a red light'500 times!"
一名教师因为闯红灯被开罚单。她到了交通法庭后,要求法官先处理她的案子,因为她要赶回去上课。 法官严厉地看着她说:“你是老师啊,那我终于可以实现我这辈子的愿望了。你坐到桌子那边去,写500遍‘我闯红灯了’!”