听歌学英语:绝代芳华 New Diana(在线收听

I was born a blonde. I've always been a princess生来金发芭比,一直是公主

A queen of hearts, now a mother曾经的女王,现在的母亲

Where is the replacement for the world's front cover世界下一任封面女郎在哪里/谁将是下一个世界瞩目的“女王”?

From one English Rose to another谁来接替英国玫瑰/谁将是新的英国玫瑰

I want to be the new Diana我想成为新的戴安娜

Lying on a yacht reading photo-magazines在游艇上阅览时尚杂志

I want to be the new Diana我想成为新的戴安娜

Visiting the shore occasionally时常光临海滩

Shimmering blue ocean diving in at starboard微光粼粼的海水,潜水从右舷起跳

Perfection for a second away from the hoard从红尘的绝佳逃离

Deep-sea fishermen toil in the sunset深海渔夫于黄昏仍在工作

Dragging in a mermaid caught in the fishing-nets奋力的从海里捞出被鱼网捕获的美人鱼

I want to be the new Diana我想成为新的戴安娜

(OK! Hello)好的 你好

Lying on a yacht reading photo-magazines在游艇上阅览时尚杂志

I want to be the new Diana我想成为新的戴安娜

(OK! Hello)好的 你好

Visiting the shore occasionally时常光临海滩

Miss South Of England, Miss United Kingdom‘南部英国小姐’,‘大英帝国的小姐’

The heart that healed the hand that fed


Lady of the lake, lady in red湖泊女王,红衣少女

Island in an island in an island岛屿中的岛屿,岛屿中的岛屿

I want to be the new Diana我想成为新的戴安娜

(OK! Hello)好的 你好

Lying on a yacht reading photo-magazines在游艇上阅览时尚杂志

I want to be the new Diana我想成为新的戴安娜

(OK! Hello)好的 你好

Visiting the shore occasionally时常光临海滩

Politics and minefields, press and P R政治、雷区和公关

These are bad places for a queen of hearts这些不属于高尚的女王

Where are the heads, where's the republic哪里有人群哪里就是共和国

Where are the songs that made the nation cry是哪首歌让这个国家哭泣

I want to be the new Diana我想成为新的戴安娜

(OK! Hello)好的 你好

Lying on a yacht reading photo-magazines在游艇上阅览时尚杂志

I want to be the new Diana我想成为新的戴安娜

(OK! Hello)好的 你好

Visiting the shore occasionally不时光临海滩

I want to be the new Diana我想成为新的戴安娜

(OK! Hello)好的 你好

Lying on a yacht reading photo-magazines躺在游艇上阅览时尚杂志

I want to be the new Diana我想成为新的戴安娜

(OK! Hello)好的 你好

Visiting the shore occasionally时不时光临海滩

Visiting the shore occasionally时不时光临海滩

Visiting occasionally偶尔观观光

Just visiting只是观观光


bust [b?st] v to break sth: 打破,打碎

bust, bust 或者 busted, busted

I bust my camera. 我把照相机摔坏了。

The lights are busted. 灯泡被砸碎了。

Come out, or I'll bust the door down! 出来,不然我就砸门了!

bust sth?up 断送;毁灭

It was his drinking that bust up his marriage. 是他的酗酒葬送了他的婚姻。

v 逮捕to suddenly enter a place and search it or arrest sb

He's been busted for drugs. 他因涉嫌毒品而遭到拘捕。

They were busted for possession of cannabis. 他们因持有大麻而被逮捕。


What is your bust measurement, Madam? 您的胸围是多少,太太?

Good posture also helps your bust look bigger.优美的姿势也能让你的胸部看起来更丰满。

busty 胸部丰满的;

She is a busty woman and helped expand the popularity of bikini swimwear in the early1960s. 她有着丰满的胸部,六十年代初期为比基尼泳衣的推广赚了很多人气。

Those ladies were brassy and busty, with pudgy fingers and painted eyes. 那些女人们打扮花哨,体态丰满,手指肥肥的,眼睛都涂了眼影。 (brassy ['br?si] adj (女子)没有品位的; 打扮花哨的; 举止俗气的 pudgy  adj. 矮胖的;短而粗的)

n bust: an unexpected visit made by the police in order to arrest people for doing sth illegal (警方的)突击搜捕,突击搜查

a drug bust 突击搜查毒品

Six tons of cocaine were seized last week in Panama's biggest drug bust.上周在巴拿马规模最大的毒品搜查行动中查获了6吨可卡因。

n 没价值的东西;蹩脚的东西

As a show it was a bust. 作为一场演出,演得蛮逊的。

adj, (of a person or business 个人或企业) 破产

We're bust! 我们破产了!

We lost our money when the travel company went bust . 旅行社破产,我们的钱都赔了进去。

busted: 被当场逮住的

You guys are so busted.你们这些家伙!终于被逮住了吧?
