TED演讲 第1期:3D捕捉古代奇迹(1)(在线收听

 I'd like to start with a short story. 我想先讲个故事。

It's about a little boy 有个小男孩
whose father was a history buff 他父亲是个历史爱好者,
and who used to take him by the hand 常牵着他的手
to visit the ruins of an ancient metropolis 去造访他们小镇外围的
on the outskirts of their camp. 一个古城市遗迹。
They would always stop by to visit 他们总是去看
these huge winged bulls that used to guard 那个守着古城门的
the gates of that ancient metropolis, 带翅膀的牛,
and the boy used to be scared 那时的小男孩
of these winged bulls, 在害怕那些带翅膀的牛的同时,
but at the same time they excited him. 也很兴奋看到这些。
And the dad used to use those bulls 父亲就用这些牛
to tell the boy stories about 给小男孩讲
that civilization and their work. 那个文明的故事和他们的工作
Let's fast-forward to the 让我们“快进”到数十年后的
San Francisco Bay Area many decades later, 旧金山湾区,
where I started a technology company 我在那儿成立了一个家公司
that brought the world its first 研发出了世界上第一个
3D laser scanning system. 3D镭射扫描系统。
Let me show you how it works. 现在让我为您展示一下它是怎样工作的。
Female Voice: Long range laser scanning 女声:长距离镭射扫描
by sending out a pulse that's a laser beam of light. 通过发出一束激光。
The system measures the beam's time of flight, 系统测量光束传播时间,
recording the time it takes for the light 纪录下它从接触到一个表面
to hit a surface and make its return. 到返回的时间。
With two mirrors, the scanner calculates 扫描仪通过两个镜子计算
the beam's horizontal and vertical angles, 光束的水平垂直角度,
giving accurate x, y, and z coordinates. 得到精确的X,Y,Z轴距。
The point is then recorded 这个点就被
into a 3D visualization program. 3D可视化软件记录下来。
All of this happens in seconds. 所有这些只要几秒就能完成。
Ben Kacyra: You can see here, 本·凯萨拉:可以看到,
these systems are extremely fast. 系统运行速度非常快。
They collect millions of points at a time 能一次性
with very high accuracy 高精度高像素地
and very high resolution. 收集上百万个点。
A surveyor with traditional survey tools 一个使用传统工具的测量员
would be hard-pressed to produce 要在一整天内绘制500个点
maybe 500 points in a whole day. 都力不能及。
These babies would be producing 而这些小家伙
something like ten thousand points a second. 能在一秒内绘制一万个点。
So, as you can imagine, 你能想到,
this was a paradigm shift 这不仅是测量和建筑业
in the survey and construction 一个范式转变
as well as in reality capture industry. 也是摄影摄像产业的新标杆。
Approximately ten years ago, 大约十年前,
my wife and I started a foundation to do good, 我和我妻子建立了一个慈善基金,
and right about that time, 那时候,
the magnificent Bamiyan Buddhas, 巴米扬大佛,
hundred and eighty foot tall in Afghanistan, 一座矗立在阿富汗的180英尺高的佛像,
were blown up by the Taliban. 毁于塔利班之手。
They were gone in an instant. 顷刻之内佛像被毁。
And unfortunately, there was 不幸的是,
no detailed documentation of these Buddhas. 没有任何关于这些佛像的详细资料保存下来。
This clearly devastated me, 这深深触动了我,
and I couldn't help but wonder about 我不由得想到
the fate of my old friends, the winged bulls, 我的老朋友 那头带翅膀的牛的命运,
and the fate of the many, many 还有世界各地
heritage sites all over the world. 其他文物古迹的命运。
Both my wife and I 我和我妻子
were so touched by this 受此激发
that we decided to 决定
expand the mission of our foundation 将基金承担的业务范围
to include digital heritage preservation 延伸到世界文物古迹的
of world sites. 数字化保存。
We called the project CyArk, 我们称之为“数字方舟”计划,
which stands for Cyber Archive. 代表着数字档案
To date, with the help of 迄今为止
a global network of partners, 在全球合作伙伴的帮助下,
we've completed close to fifty projects. 我们已经完成了近50个项目
Let me show you some of them: 这是其中一部分:
Chichen Itza, 奇琴伊察,
Rapa Nui -- 复活节岛
and what you're seeing here 这里你看到的是
are the cloud of points -- 数据点集合—
Babylon, 巴比伦,
Rosslyn Chapel, 罗斯林教堂,
Pompeii, 庞贝遗址
and our latest project, Mt. Rushmore, 和最近的一个项目:总统山
which happened to be one of 这是最具挑战的
our most challenging projects. 项目之一。
As you see here, we had to develop 可以看到,我们得开发
a special rig to bring the scanner 一种特殊钻机
up close and personal. 人工作业把扫描仪戴上去