听歌学英语:再见 Goodbye(在线收听

I was a hot mess in my Sunday best
Black tears in my eyes還有那一張哭花了的臉
You were my first love你是我的初戀
You were my only one也是我唯一的愛人
I can't believe your lies但我再也無法相信你的謊言

Once we were like bottle rockets曾經我們昙花一现。
Now I know I have to stop it 我知道一切都该叫停了
Please believe me相信我
This isn't easy要將這句話說出口一點都不容易
I just need to say goodbye但我還是必須狠下心向你道別

Losin' my mind快疯掉

You got a new friend你身邊多個新朋友
You like to play pretend你喜欢若无其事
I'm just keepin' my cool那麼我也只好故作鎮定

Turn on that smoke machine打开烟雾制造机,
Magic and make-believe上演魔术和幻境
She'll never know you like I do她永遠無法像我一樣瞭解你

Once we were a fire burnin我们也曾热恋过
Now you're just a lesson I'm learnin'如今你卻淪為愛情讓我學到的一個教訓
Please believe me請你相信我
This isn't easy要將這句話說出口一點都不容易
I just need to say goodbye但我還是必須狠下心向你道別

Losin' my mind快疯掉了

I know that I can find somebody我知道我將會遇見一個比你更好的人
You won't ever find nobody else like me但你卻再也不可能找到一個比我更愛你的人

Once we were like bottle rockets曾经的我们就像昙花一现
Now I know I have to stop it如今我卻必須踩煞車停下來
Please believe me請你相信我
This isn't easy要將這句話說出口一點都不容易
I just need to say goodbye但我還是必須狠下心向你道別

Losin' my mind快疯掉了

Sunday best 最好的衣服;盛装
They all came in their Sunday best and I felt out of place in my casual clothes. 他们都穿着节日的服装,而我穿着便服,有点格格不入的感觉。

bottle rocket: A thing, or person that is today's hot item and is gone tomorrow. From the way a bottle rocket shoots into the sky goes bang and is gone. A one hit wonder. 昙花一现的人或事物

Thank goodness it's cool in here 谢天谢地,这里面挺凉快。
In warm weather, you should wear clothing that is cool and comfortable. 在热天里,应该穿凉快舒适的衣服。
adj 很酷;非常不错;
You look pretty cool with that new haircut. 你新剪的发型真酷。
It's a cool movie. 那部电影真棒。
He was trying to be really cool and trendy.他竭力想扮酷,赶时髦。

adj 冷漠的;冷淡的
I didn't like him at all. I thought he was cool, aloof, and arrogant 我一点也不喜欢他,觉得他冷漠、孤僻而且傲慢。 ( aloof [?'luf] adj. 冷淡的;远离的;冷漠的)
The idea met with a cool response 人们对这个想法反应冷淡。

adj 坦然接受的;心平气和的
I was surprised that she got the job, but I'm cool with it (= it's not a problem for me) . 我对于她得到这份工作感到惊讶,不过对我来说无所谓。
Bev was really cool about it all.贝芙对这一切都表现得相当平静。

cool it 冷静下来;别激动
Can't you guys just cool it?你们能不能冷静一下?
Hey man! Put that gun down and cool it! 伙计,把枪放下。冷静一下。

lose sb's cool失去冷静
The big Irishman was on the verge of losing his cool. 那个高大的爱尔兰人快要失去冷静了。
keep sb's cool保持冷静
She kept her cool and managed to get herself out of the ordeal 她保持着冷静,努力使自己走出了这次痛苦的经历。

It's OK, man. I'm cool.
Are we cool?
