VOA常速英语2018--特雷莎·梅脱欧计划遭批:占尽便宜 不想吃亏(在线收听

Northern Portugal is known for its black grapes used in the production of world-renowned sweet port wine. Dry soil and high altitude mean fewer grapes. But also a high concentration of sugar in the grapes exposed to the Sun on steep slopes. Port wine is good because it’s from here, from this region. We are in the mountains so what we do is always in small scale but with extraordinary quality.


Britain is the second largest export market for Portugal’s Port and its impending exit from the European Union could affect Ports fifty eight million dollar annual business. EU laws protect geographical names of products such as Port, Champagne, Parmesan and feta cheese. And the prices are higher outside the common market. It is one of the issues holding up a Brexit deal. I don’t think the EU will accept a Brexit deal which does not protect feta cheese, Parmesan cheese or champagne wine. Also because the entire final Brexit deal, we need to be ratified by national parliaments—27 national parliaments. Can we imagine: the Greek parliament or the Italian parliament or the French parliament having to ratify a final Brexit deal that does not strongly protect feta parmesan or champagne. It will be difficult. That’s why a deadlock on this issue may jeopardize the entire Black Sea deal.


Britain could switch to importing cheaper sweet wine from Australia and South Africa as it looks around for post Brexit trade deals. Both sides will have to make adjustments after Brexit. Britain’s supermarket giant Tesco is opening discount food stores to compete with German owned Aldi and Lidl. The chain puts an emphasis on local foods. And the name Jack’s is linked to the name of the British national flag the Union Jack. British Prime Minister Theresa May is promoting her latest proposal for a deal with the EU, which envisions Britain remaining in the European single market for goods only. It’s the only credible, a negotiable plan on the table that delivers no hard border in Northern Ireland and also delivers on the vote of the British people.

英国可能转而从澳大利亚和南非进口成本更低的甜酒,毕竟现在已经在为脱欧协议做准备了。双方都得为脱欧做调整。英国的超市巨头特斯科即将开放折扣食品商店,从而跟德国阿尔迪和利德连锁超市竞争。特斯科更注重本地食品。店名杰克和英国国旗的名字有关系英国首相特雷莎 梅(Theresa May)正在推行自己最近的脱欧协议,即英国只在食品领域留在欧盟单一市场。这是目前公开的计划中唯一可信、可协商的一个,对北爱尔兰来说也没有国界的硬性要求,也传递了英国人民脱欧投票的意志。

But May’s plan is criticized by both sides of the Brexit debate for either cutting off too many ties with the EU or not offering a clean break from the bloc. Europeans criticized it for wanting to keep the benefits of EU membership without taking on its responsibilities.

但特雷莎 梅的计划受到了脱欧辩论双方的诟病,因为既切断了英国与欧盟之间的许多联系,也没有把联系断干净。欧洲人谴责特雷莎的计划是因为计划内容既想要保留英国的欧盟成员国身份,又不想承担责任。
