
 Fujifilm used its capabilities in chemistry, material science and optics to diversify into a number of areas, 富士胶片运用了自己在化学、材料科学和光学上的造诣,将自己的涉及领域多样化

ranging from cosmetics to pharmaceuticals, to medical systems to biomaterials. 从化妆品到医药,到医学系统、到生物材料
Now, some of these diversification attempts failed.  有一些多样化的尝试失败了
But in aggregate, it was able to adapt its portfolio sufficiently to survive and flourish. 但是总体来说,它能够充足地转换自己的组合,从而幸存并且繁荣
As the CEO, Mr. Komori, put it,  就像其CEOKomori先生说的
the strategy succeeded because it had "more pockets and drawers" than the rivals. 这种策略之所以成功是因为它比同行有更多的“口袋”和“抽屉”
He meant, of course, that they were able to create more options than the rivals. 他的意思当然是他们比同行创造了更多的选择空间
Fujifilm survived because it applied the principles of prudence, diversity and adaptation. 富士胶片存活了下来,因为它采用了这些规律:精准、多样化和适应能力
A catastrophic factory fire, like the one we see here, completely wiped out, in one evening, 像我们看到的这张图,一场灾难性的工厂大火在一个晚上完全地摧毁了
the only plant which supplied Toyota with valves for car-braking systems.  为丰田刹车系统提供阀门的唯一一个工厂
The ultimate test of resilience. Car production ground to a screeching halt. 这是对抗压能力的终极考验。汽车生产进入了中断
How was it, then, that Toyota was able to recover car production?  之后怎么样了呢?丰田是否能重整旗鼓恢复汽车生产?
Can you imagine how long it took? Just five days. 你能想象这花了多长时间吗?仅仅只有五天
From having no braking valves to complete recovery in five days. How was this possible? 从没有刹车阀门到完全恢复生产只用了五天时间。这怎么可能呢?