
 And we're replacing that with the largest industrial project in the history of the world, 将它转变成史上最大的工业项目,

which is producing the most high-carbon greenhouse gas emitting oil in the world.  生产温室气体排放量最大的高碳油类。
And we're doing this on the second largest oil reserves on the planet. 这就是我们在世上第二大石油蕴藏地所做的事。
This is one of the reasons why Canada,  这就是为何加拿大,
originally a climate change hero-we were one of the first signatories of the Kyoto Accord.  它原本是环保英雄-我们是第一批签署京都议定书的国家之一。
Now we're the country that has full-time lobbyists in the European Union and Washington, D.C. 现在我国派驻全职说客在欧盟及华盛顿特区。
threatening trade wars when these countries talk about wanting to bring in positive legislation to limit the import of high-carbon fuels, 以贸易战争为要挟,当这些国家希望立法限制高碳燃料进口,
of greenhouse gas emissions, anything like this,  讨论温室气体排放等相关议题时,
at international conferences,  在国际会议中,
whether they're in Copenhagen or Cancun,  无论在哥本哈根或坎昆,
international conferences on climate change,  在讨论气候变迁议题的国际会议中,
we're the country that gets the dinosaur award every single day as being the biggest obstacle to progress on this issue. 我们是荣获“化石奖”(颁给破坏国际气候变化谈判的国家)的国家成为谈判进展的最大阻碍。
Just 70 miles downstream is the world's largest freshwater delta,  河流下游70英哩处是世上最大的淡水三角洲,
the Peace-Athabasca Delta,  和平-阿萨帕斯卡尔三角洲,
the only one at the juncture of all four migratory flyways.  它是四条候鸟迁徙路线唯一交会点。
This is a globally significant wetland,  这是对全球来说具有重要意义的湿地,
perhaps the greatest on the planet.  或许是世上最大的湿地。
Incredible habitat for half the bird species you find in North America, migrating here. 它是北美半数迁往此处的鸟类物种栖息地。
And also the last refuge for the largest herd of wild bison,  也是世上最大野牛群最后的避难所,
and also, of course, critical habitat for another whole range of other species.  此外,当然也是许多其他物种的重要栖息地。
But it too is being threatened by the massive amount of water being drawn from the Athabasca,  但它也深受来自阿萨帕斯卡尔河的大量水流威胁,
which feeds these wetlands,  它灌溉这片湿地,
and also the incredible toxic burden of the largest toxic unlined impoundments on the planet,  同时带来大量毒性物质来自世上最大的露天毒性蓄水池,
which are leaching in to the food chain for all the species downstream.  进入下游所有物种的食品链中。