留美老师带你每日说英文 第1045期:道德恐慌(在线收听

 Kids these days are subject to moral panic, with older people telling them they are spoiled, too easily offended, until it comes to the point some people just don't want to be anywhere near youths.

1.subject 主题、科目
subject (n.) 主题、科目
subject (v.) 易受??的、以??为条件的
subjective (adj.) 主观的
subjection (n.) 征服、隶属
2.panic 惊慌
panic (n.) 惊慌
panic (v.) 使大笑、使惊慌
panicky (adj.) 惊慌的、极度的
3.spoil 溺爱、糟蹋
spoil (v.) 溺爱、糟蹋
spoiler (n.) (机翼的)扰流器、剧透
soil (n.) 土壤
soil (v.) 弄脏、玷污
4.offend 冒犯、违反(法律)
offend (v.) 冒犯、违反(法律)
offensive (adj.) 冒犯的、反感的