
21-year-old Marian Avila has loved fashion shows, an excitement of the catwalk, since she was a child. Enjoying Fashion Week in New York City is a dream come true. Marian was born with Down’s syndrome, but she never thought of her condition as an impediment to her real dream, a dream she has pursued her entire life to become a fashion model.

21岁的玛丽安 阿维拉(Marian Avila)一直都很喜欢时装秀,从小时候起,就十分热爱猫步。能在纽约欣赏时装周就像大梦成真一般。玛丽安生来就患有唐氏综合征,但她从未觉得自己的病会影响梦想的实现。她的梦想是她一生追寻的,那就是成为一名时装模特。

I used to always say it, I want to be a model, singer and actress.


Marian’s frequent posting over her love for fashion, attracted the attention of another model Mac Kenzie Dugmore who was immediately intrigued.


So I was actually scrolling through my Facebook Feed when when I came across her picture and heading that said something about a Down syndrome model, whose dream was to walk in New York Fashion Week.


And I was just like, oh my gosh, like I have the power to make her dream come true, why wouldn’t I do it?


Through the Messenger APP, Avila received a special invitation to take part into Talisha White designer presentation in New York, an invitation she eagerly accepted. She says the process was more difficult than she imagined, but after rehearsing, measuring her outfit and meeting the designer, Avila was ready to walk the runway in one of the most important fashion events in the world. I was told and I thought it has to be a joke, but it was real. My dream came true.


Talisha White is one of many designers who have begun to introduce a more diverse group of women in their show. The trend has prompted being named fashion brands to introduce plus-size models, woman wearing hijabs and models with disabilities on the runway any mass.


I absolutely love modeling for Talisha because of her brand. She loves empowering young women all shapes and sizes, I absolutely love that.


And so with the confidence that comes from years of dreaming, Avila walk the runway for the first time wearing a dazzling blue dress.


I like to smile my mouth because I have a very nice mouth. My smile and my teeth, too. I like to smile and my hair is great, my hair is very beautiful.


A beautiful dream that became reality for a young fashion conscious woman, who doesn’t fit the image of a typical model. And she is not the only one, for many of the Talisha White presentation reinforces the message that women are beautiful, no matter their size, their color, their skin. Marian Avila is certainly proof of that.

