TED演讲 世上最无聊电视节目 为何迷得无可救药(3)(在线收听

 This guy, for instance,  比如说这个家伙,

he's head of research at the University in Troms? 他是特罗姆瑟大学的科研带头人。
And I will show you a piece of cloth,  我给你们看看这块布条,
this one.  就是这个。
It's the other strong memory.  这是另外一段深刻的记忆,
It belongs to a guy called Erik Hansen.  它属于这个叫Erik Hansen的人。
And it's people like those two who took a firm grip of our program,  像他们这样的人,对我们的节目充满了坚定的信念,
and together with thousands of others along the route,  成千上万的同伴与我们一同完成这趟旅程。
they made the program what it became.  这个节目由他们而生,
They made all the stories.  他们是故事的主角。
This is Karl. He's in the ninth grade.  这位是Karl,今年九年级。
It says, I will be a little late for school tomorrow.  他写到,明天上学会迟到一下。
He was supposed to be in the school at 8 a.m.  上课时间是早上八点。
He came at 9 a.m., and he didn't get a note from his teacher,  他九点才赶到学校,但是老师并没有给他记过,
because the teacher had watched the program.  因为这个老师也是这个节目的粉丝。
How did we do this?  我们怎么做到的呢?
Yes, we took a conference room on board the Hurtigruten.  没错,我们把海达路德游轮上的一间会议室
We turned it into a complete TV control room.  改装成了一个电视监控室,
We made it all work, of course,  当然前提是东西都能运行。
and then we took along 11 cameras.  然后呢我们准备了11台摄像机,
This is one of them.  这是其中一台,
This is my sketch from February,  这个呢是我二月记下的手稿,
and when you give this sketch to professional people in the Norwegian broadcasting company NRK,  我把这个草稿交给专业人员处理,就是挪威广播公司NRK的工作人员,
you get some cool stuff back.  我就拿到这么酷的东西,
And with some very creative solutions.  还有非常创新的想法。
Run it up and down.  就这样上下移动,
This is Norway's most important drill right now.  你们现在看到的是挪威最重要的电钻,
It regulates the height of a bow camera in NRK's live production,  我们用它来调节NRK现场直播的摄像机高度,
one of 11 that capture great shots from the MS Nord-Norge.  也就是装在北挪威号上,用来捕捉精彩画面的11台摄像机其中的一台。
Eight wires keep the camera stable.  用了8根线来固定住。
I work on different camera solutions.  我的工作就是提供各种摄像方案,
They're just tools used in a different context.  摄像机不过是应对不同拍摄要求的工具。
Another camera is this one. It's normally used for sports.   这是另外一台摄像机,通常它是用来拍摄体育赛事的。
It made it possible for us to take close-up pictures of people  我们当时就用它来拍摄人物特写,
100 kilomteres away,  这些人在100公里开外。。。
like this one.  比如像这个镜头。
People called us and asked, how is this man doing?  大家都打电话问我们,这家伙现在还行吗?
He's doing fine. Everything went well.  他还行。一切安好,勿念。
We also could take pictures of people waving at us,  我们还拍了朝我们招手的人们:
people along the route, thousands of them,  旅途中成百上千的他们,
and they all had a phone in their hand.  每个人都拿着一部电话。
And when you take a picture of them, and they get the message,  然后当我们拍摄他们的时候,他们就知道了,
Now we are on TV, dad, they start waving back.  老爸,我们上电视啦!他们然后就开始挥手致意。
This was waving TV for five and a half days,  所以这挡节目就是一部讲述了5天6夜的挥手故事。。。
and people get so extremely happy when they can send a warm message to their loved ones.  而且当大家给他们的亲朋好友发消息的时候,都高兴坏啦。
It was also a great success on social media.  这个节目也取得了社交媒体上的成功,
On the last day, we met Her Majesty the Queen of Norway,  拍摄结束那天,我们还见到了高贵的挪威女王陛下。
and Twitter couldn't quite handle it.  推特就疯掉了。
And we also, on the web,  我们还在这个礼拜,
during this week we streamed more than 100 years of video  在网上给148个国家的网民
to 148 nations,  上传了时长超过100年的影像资料。
and the websites are still there and they will be forever, actually,  那些网页都还在,而且会一直保存下去。
because Hurtigruten was selected  这是因为海达路德航线已经被入选到
to be part of the Norwegian UNESCO list of documents,  挪威联合国教科文组织文件名单当中,
and it's also in the Guinness Book of Records  而且也被入选世界吉尼斯纪录,
as the longest documentary ever.  全世界最长的纪录片。
Thank you.  谢谢你们。