
For all the gym selfies on Instagram, maybe it was only a matter of time before mirrors started giving us a dose of reality.


Naked is a full-length mirror. It has 3D depth sensors embedded in it. You stand on a scale that rotates you through 360 degrees in 15 seconds.


15 seconds is all it takes to see the effects of diet and exercise on your body. The mirrors built-in depth sensors generate a 3D model downloading key stats, such as body fat and muscle mass to your phone. Naked’s creators say the visual factor is the most compelling for people trying to lose weight.


The developing muscle at the same rate that they’re losing fat, they’re weight plateaus and in their mind they immediately think that I’m gonna make it in progress when in reality their body shape is changing drastically.


But it’s not the only company using mirrors as motivational tools. Another device simply dubbed Mirror offers live fitness classes that are streamed from the studio in New York straight to users’ living rooms.


A lot of the spend that’s happening in gyms is actually moving to the home as well.


Mirror’s LCD display and built-in camera lets instructors provide real-time feedback, while they work out simultaneously with other logged in class members. The device also lets you sync a bluetooth heart rate. When the gym is at home, it’s one less excuse for not working out and while Naked is relatively expensive, its founders think it will be money well spent.


They’ve tried different diets, they’ve tried different exercise programs, it hasn’t worked. They seem Naked as a way to have more clarity around what’s happening to their body.


So if there’s gym selfies aren’t motivating you, perhaps looking in mirror will get you off the couch.

