
 Thousands of people are posting videos like this,  有成千上万的人们上传这样的视频,

mostly teenage girls, reaching out in this way.  他们中大部分都是十几岁的女孩,用这种方式来接触外界。
But what's leading them to do this?  然而是什么导致他们这样做的呢?
Well, today's teenagers are rarely alone.  今天的青少年很少独处。
They're under pressure to be online and available at all times,  他们被迫上网并随时保持在线,
talking, messaging, liking, commenting, sharing, posting a it never ends.  聊天、发信息、点赞、评论、分享、上传—无休无止。
Never before have we been so connected,  我们之前从来没有如此被紧密地联系,
so continuously, so instantaneously, so young.  而且是如此地无休无止、如此快速,如此年轻。
And as one mom told me, it's like there's a party in their bedroom every night.  正如一位妈妈跟我说的,似乎每天晚上他们的卧室里都有聚会。
There's simply no privacy.  简直毫无隐私。
And the social pressures that go along with that are relentless.  而由此伴随而来的社会压力也是残酷的。
This always-on environment is training our kids to value themselves based on the number of likes they get and the types of comments that they receive. 这种永远在线的环境将我们的孩子训练成要靠通过他们获得的点赞数量和收到的评论来肯定自己的价值。
There's no separation between online and offline life.  没有线上和线下之分,
What's real or what isn't is really hard to tell the difference between.  很难区分什么是真实的什么不是真实的,
And it's also really hard to tell the difference between what's authentic and what's digitally manipulated. 也很难区分现实和虚拟世界。
What's a highlight in someone's life versus what's normal in the context of everyday.  也分不清日常生活和精彩时光。
And where are they looking to for inspiration?  那他们又从哪里去获得灵感呢?
Well, you can see the kinds of images that are covering the newsfeeds of girls today. 你可以看看那些今天出现在各种新闻中女孩的形象。
Size zero models still dominate our catwalks.  零号尺寸模特仍然统治着T形台。
Airbrushing is now routine.  修饰照片现在也很常见。
And trends like thinspiration, thighgap,  现在的趋势是励瘦、大腿间距、
bikinibridge and proana.  比基尼桥和安娜运动。
For those who don't know, proana means pro-anorexia.  要跟那些不明白这些的人提一下,安娜运动的意思是支持厌食。
These trends are teamed with the stereotyping and flagrant objectification of women in today's popular culture. 这些趋势与今天的流行文化中对女性的刻板印象和公然物化结合在一起。
It is not hard to see what girls are benchmarking themselves against.  从中不难看出女孩子们是怎样定位自己的。
But boys are not immune to this either.  但是男孩子们对此也不能幸免。
Aspiring to the chiseled jaw lines and ripped six packs of superhero-like sports stars and playboy music artists. 他们渴望拥有轮廓分明的下巴线条和像英雄般的体育明星以及花花公子音乐艺术家所拥有的六块腹肌。