
 And we think it's for all of these reasons that they take more risks with things like alcohol and drug use; 基于以上理由,我们认为他们有更高的风险去做那些像酗酒、吸毒、

crash dieting; cosmetic surgery; unprotected, earlier sex;and self-harm.  快速减肥、整容、无防护措施以及过早的性交和自残这样的事情。
The pursuit of the perfect body is putting pressure on our healthcare systems  对完美身材的追求正使医保系统饱受压力
and costing our governments billions of dollars every year.  并且每年要花费政府数十亿美元。
And we don't grow out of it.  而且我们并不会因为长大而放弃追求完美身材。
Women who think they're overweight a again,  那些认为自己超重的妇女—不管她们
regardless of whether they are or are not a have higher rates of absenteeism.  是否真的超重,会有更高的缺勤率。
Seventeen percent of women would not show up to a job interview on a day when they weren't feeling confident about the way that they look. 17%的女性会因为某天感觉对自己的长相不自信而不去参加那天的面试。
Have a think about what this is doing to our economy.  想一下这对我们的经济会有什么影响。
If we could overcome this, what that opportunity looks like.  如果我们能克服这些,将会带来哪些机会。
Unlocking this potential is in the interest of every single one of us. 释放这个潜能将有益于我们每一个人。
But how do we do that?  但是我们该如何去做呢?
Well, talking, on its own, only gets you so far.  单独的空谈,也就只能到此为止了。
It's not enough by itself.  它本身是不够的。
If you actually want to make a difference,  如果你真的想有所改变,
you have to do something.  你得去做点什么。
And we've learned there are three key ways:  而我们了解到这里有三个关键的方法:
The first is we have to educate for body confidence.  首先我们得培养自己对身体充满信心。
We have to help our teenagers develop strategies to overcome image-related pressures and build their self-esteem. 我们得帮助青少年想出策略去克服跟形象有关的压力并且建立他们的自尊心。
Now, the good news is that there are many programs out there available to do this.  好消息是现在已经有许多这样的项目。
The bad news is that most of them don't work.  坏消息是大多数这样的项目没有效。
I was shocked to learn that many well-meaning programs are inadvertently actually making the situation worse. 我很震惊地了解到许多善意的项目却无意中使得情况更糟糕了。