
 Many have been tricked by false promises of a good education, a better job, 他们当中很多人都是被虚假承诺所骗轻信所谓好的教育机会、好的工作机会,

only to find that they're forced to work without pay under the threat of violence, and they cannot walk away.  而被迫无偿工作经受暴力威胁,并且无法逃脱。
Today's slavery is about commerce, so the goods that enslaved people produce have value,  今天的奴隶制度关乎商业利益,奴隶制造的商品具有价值,
but the people producing them are disposable.  但是创造价值的人却是被随意处置的。
Slavery exists everywhere, nearly, in the world, and yet it is illegal everywhere in the world.  奴隶制度存在于世上的几乎每一个角落,即使它无论在何处都是违法的。
In India and Nepal, I was introduced to the brick kilns.  在印度和尼泊尔,我被带到砖窑里。
This strange and awesome sight was like walking into ancient Egypt or Dante's Inferno.  那里的景象极其怪异感觉就像走进了古埃及或者但丁描述的地狱。
Enveloped in temperatures of 130 degrees, men, women, children, entire families in fact,  在50多摄氏度的高温中,男人,女人,小孩,事实上是一整个家庭,
were cloaked in a heavy blanket of dust, while mechanically stacking bricks on their head,  在厚厚的灰尘笼罩下,机械地把砖块往自己的头顶上垒,
up to 18 at a time, and carrying them from the scorching kilns to trucks hundreds of yards away.  每次叠上18块然后搬运到离砖窑几百米远的卡车上。
Deadened by monotony and exhaustion,they work silently, doing this task over and over for 16 or 17 hours a day.  单调和疲惫消磨着他们,他们安静着劳动着,一遍又一遍的干着同样的活,一天16到17个小时。
There were no breaks for food, no water breaks,  中途不能休息,不能吃饭,不能喝水,
and the severe dehydration made urinating pretty much inconsequential.  由于极度的缺水他们基本上也不需要上厕所。
So pervasive was the heat and the dust that my camera became too hot to even touch and ceased working. 由于那里面的闷热和尘土,我的相机烫得没法拿也无法运转。