
 They have nothing to compare it to.  没有任何比较。

When these villagers claimed their freedom, the slaveholders burned down all of their houses.  如果这些人要为自己争取自由,奴隶主就烧掉他们所有的房子。
I mean, these people had nothing, and they were so petrified, they wanted to give up,  这些人一无所有,他们吓坏了,他们想要放弃,
but the woman in the center rallied for them to persevere,  但是照片中间这位女士团结众人坚持到底,
and abolitionists on the ground helped them get a quarry lease of their own, so that now they do the same back-breaking work,  在当地的废奴主义者帮助他们争取采石场的租约,这样,他们继续干着同样的重活,
but they do it for themselves, and they get paid for it, and they do it in freedom.  但现在是为自己而干,能拿到酬劳,他们拥有了自由。
Sex trafficking is what we often think of when we hear the word slavery, and because of this worldwide awareness,  非法性交易是我们在听到奴役时最常联想到的,因为全球皆知,
I was warned that it would be difficult for me to work safely within this particular industry.  我曾被警告说,若我坚持拍摄这个行业人身安全将难以得到保障。
In Kathmandu, I was escorted by women who had previously been sex slaves themselves.  在加德满都我由一些从前是性奴的女人随护。
They ushered me down a narrow set of stairs that led to this dirty, dimly fluorescent lit basement.  她们带着我走下一段段狭窄的楼梯到了一个肮脏昏暗的地下室。
This wasn't a brothel, perse. It was more like a restaurant.  这里本身不是一间妓院。它更像是间餐厅。
Cabin restaurants, as they're known in the trade, are venues for forced prostitution.  包厢餐厅在业内被人熟知,是强迫卖淫的场所。
Each has small, private rooms, where the slaves, women, along with young girls and boys,  一个个小隔间里,性奴们,女人和小孩,
some as young as seven years old, are forced to entertain the clients, encouraging them to buy more food and alcohol.  有些只有七岁大,被迫取悦客户,好让他们消费更多的食物和酒。
Each cubicle is dark and dingy, identified with a painted number on the wall, and partitioned by plywood and a curtain.  每个小隔间都很暗很脏,墙上画着号码,由三夹板和窗帘隔开。
The workers here often endure tragic sexual abuse at the hands of their customers.  在这里工作的人通常都要忍受客人们残忍的性虐待。