
 Hydropower, geothermal, wind, solar, biomass. 水力,地热,风力,太阳能以及生物质。

Did you know that last year, for 299 days, 你们知道去年总共有299天,
we did not use any fossil fuels in order to generate all our electricity? 我们生产的所有电力压根没有使用任何化石燃料吗?
It's a fantastic achievement, and yet, it hides a paradox, 这是一个了不起的成就,但同时这也隐藏了一种矛盾,
which is that nearly 70 percent of all our energy consumption is oil. Why? 那就是我们百分之七十的能源消费都是石油。为什么?
Because of our transportation system, 因为我们的交通系统,
which is totally dependent on fossil fuels, like it is in most countries. 就像很多其他国家一样,完全依赖于化石燃料,
So if we think of the energy transition as a marathon, 所以如果我们把能源过渡看成是一段马拉松,
the question is, how do we get to the finish line, 那么问题来了,我们如何才能到达终点线?
how do we decarbonize the rest of the economy? 我们如何才能让我们国家其余的经济体系脱碳?
And it's fair to say that if we don't succeed, it's difficult to see who will. 负责任地说,如果我们无法成功,那别人也很难做到。
So that is why I want to talk to you about Costa Rica, 所以这就是为什么我想跟你们谈谈哥斯达黎加,
because I believe we are a great candidate in pioneering a vision for development without fossil fuels. 因为我相信,我们在不使用化石燃料的发展蓝图中是一个不错的候选人。
If you know one thing about our country, it's that we don't have an army. 如果你们对我们的国家有一点点了解的话,就一定知道我们没有军队。
So I'm going to take you back to 1948. 所以接下来,我想带领你们回到1948那年。