
 Take Canada: when Trudeau took office, he faced two looming dangers. 就加拿大而言,当特鲁多就任时,面临两大潜在的危险。

First, though his vast, underpopulated country, badly needed more bodies, 首先,尽管他这个地广人稀的国家,非常需要更多的劳动力
its preferred source for white workers, Europe, 但它首选的白人劳动力来源地欧洲
had just stopped exporting them as it finally recovered from World War II. 却随着自身从二战中恢复过来而停止了劳动力的出口。
The other problem was that Canada's long cold war 另一个问题是加拿大国内的法语群体 
between its French and its English communities had just become a hot one. 和英语群体之间的长期冷战也变成了热战
Quebec was threatening to secede, 魁北克威胁着要独立
and Canadians were actually killing other Canadians over politics. 并且加拿大人在政治上互相伤害
Now, countries face crises all the time. Right? That's nothing special. 国家总是面临危机,对吧?这没什么特别的
But Trudeau's genius was to realize that Canada's crisis 但是特鲁多的天才之处是意识到加拿大的危机 
had swept away all the hurdles that usually block reform. 正好扫清了阻碍改革的所有障碍。
Canada had to open up. It had no choice. 加拿大需要开放,对此它别无选择
And it had to rethink its identity. Again, it had no choice. 并且它需要重新思考自己的国家形象。而这也是别无选择的
And that gave Trudeau a once-in-a-generation opportunity to break the old rules and write new ones. 这就给了特鲁多一个千载难逢的机会去打破旧规则并书写新规则
And like all our other heroes, he was smart enough to seize it. 像所有其他的英雄一样,他聪明地抓住了机会。