
 In the midst of such widespread uncertainty, we may, in fact, be insecure. 在这种变幻无常之中,我们可能会没有安全感。

But we can let that insecurity make us brittle or supple. 但是我们能让这种不安全感使我们变得脆弱敏感或是能屈能伸。
We can turn inward, lose faith in the power of institutions to change -- even lose faith in ourselves. 我们可以选择封闭自我,服从于惯例,失去改变的信心,甚至对我们自己失去信心。
Or we can turn outward, cultivate faith in our ability to reach out, to connect, to create. 或者,我们可以选择敞开胸怀,培养与他人紧密联系、开拓创新的能力。
Turns out, the biggest danger is not failing to achieve the American Dream. 最危险的不是没法实现美国梦。
The biggest danger is achieving a dream that you don't actually believe in. So don't do that. 而是追寻一个连你自己都不相信的梦,所以不要这样。
Do the harder, more interesting thing, which is to compose a life where what you do every single day, 尝试更加困难有趣的事物,生命中应该每天都是如此,
the people you give your best love and ingenuity and energy to, aligns as closely as possible with what you believe. 将你最真切的爱、聪明才智与活力带给他人,坚定于你所相信的事物。
That, not something as mundane as making money, is a tribute to your ancestors. 这不是像赚钱一样世俗的事,而是向祖先们致敬。
That is the beautiful struggle. Thank you. 这才是美丽的奋斗。谢谢。