
 In Miami, we've commissioned and artist, a young artist named Atomico, 在迈阿密,我们委托一个艺术家,年轻的艺术家阿托米卡,

to create some vivid and vibrant images for a new series of "I voted" stickers.  去创作栩栩如生的“我投票了”新系列贴纸。
But the thing is, Atomico had never voted. He wasn't even registered. 可是,阿托米卡从来没投过票。甚至都没登过记。
So as he got to work on creating this artwork for these stickers,  当他开始设计艺术贴纸时,
he also began to get over his sense of intimidation about politics.  他也要开始克服对政治的恐惧。
He got himself registered, and then he got educated about the upcoming primary election,  他去登记了,他也了解了即将到来的大选,
and on election day he was out there not just passing out stickers,  在投票日当天,他不仅当街散发贴纸,
but chatting up voters and encouraging people to vote, and talking about the election with passersby. 还和选民交谈,鼓励大家投票,与行人谈论选举。
In Akron, a theater company called the Wandering Aesthetics has been putting on these pickup truck plays. 在阿克伦,一家名叫美学漫步的戏剧公司曾经进行过这种卡车演出。
And to do so, they put out an open call to the public asking for speeches, monologues, dialogues, poems, snippets of anything 为了演出,这家公司公开征集演讲,独白,对话,诗歌,小品之类的,
that could be read aloud and woven into a performance. They got dozens of submissions.  只要能大声念出来的,都可以编入演出。结果投稿如云。
One of them was a poem written by nine students in an ESL class,  其中有一首诗,作者是ESL课程的九个学生,
all of them Hispanic migrant workers from nearby Hartville, Ohio.  都是拉美籍的移民工人,来自俄亥俄州内比邻的哈特威尔。
I want to read to you from this poem. It's called "The Joy of Voting." 我给大家读一段。诗的名字叫:选举的快乐。
"I would like to vote for the first time because things are changing for Hispanics.  我要进行第一次投票,因为拉美裔的处境变了。 
I used to be afraid of ghosts. Now I am afraid of people. There's more violence and racism. 我过去怕鬼,现在怕人。暴力和种族主义越来越多。选举会改变这一切。
Voting can change this. The border wall is nothing. It's just a wall. 边界墙什么也不是。就是个墙。
The wall of shame is something. It's very important to vote so we can break down this wall of shame.  耻辱的墙才可怕。投票很重要,让我们可以打破这耻辱之墙。
I have passion in my heart. Voting gives me a voice and power. I can stand up and do something." 我心中有激情。选举使我发出声音和力量。我能站起来做出改变了。