
   Frosty the coal man is a jolly, happy soul. 雪白煤碳先生是个快乐的精灵。

  He's abundant here in America, and he helps our economy grow. 它在美国产量丰富,并且帮助我们的经济成长。
  Frosty the coal man is getting cleaner everyday. 雪白的煤碳先生每天都越来越干净。
  He's affordable and adorable, and workers keep their pay. 它物美价廉,让工人们有薪水领。
  This is the source of much of the coal in West Virginia. 这是西维吉尼雅大部分的煤炭来源。
  The largest mountaintop miner is the head of Massey Coal. 在以山巅移除的方式开矿的就是梅西矿业的领导人。
  Let me be clear about it. 让我仔细说一下。
  Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, they don't know what they're talking about. 埃尔·戈尔,南希·皮洛西,哈利·瑞德,他们都不知道自己在胡说些什么。
  So the Alliance for Climate Protection has launched two campaigns. 所以,气候保护联盟已经发起这两场战役。
  This is one of them, part of one of them. 这就是其中之一,是其中一部分。
  At COALergy we view climate change as a very serious threat to our business. 在COALergy,我们非常严肃地对待气候变化对我们的事业威胁
  That's why we've made it our primary goal to spend a large sum of money on an advertising effort 这就是为什么我们将气候变迁设为我们的首要目标,也就是要花一大笔钱在广告及宣传,
  to help bring out and complicate the truth about coal. 好让大家知道且明了有关煤炭的真相。
  The fact is, coal isn't dirty. We think it's clean -- smells good, too.  事实是,煤炭不脏。我们觉得它十分干净,闻起来也很干净。
  So don't worry about climate change. Leave that up to us. 所以不用担心气候变迁的问题。把那些问题交给我们。
  Clean coal -- you've heard a lot about it. So let's take a tour of this state-of-the-art clean coal facility. 干净的碳,你们或许已经听说过,那么让我们来一览这项顶尖科技的净碳设施。
  Amazing! The machinery is kind of loud. But that's the sound of clean coal technology. 太惊人了!这机器的声音还真大!但这就是净煤科技的声音。
  And while burning coal is one of the leading causes of global warming, 虽然燃烧煤碳是导致全球变暖的主因之一,
  the remarkable clean coal technology you see here changes everything. 但如你所见,这非凡的净煤科技改变了一切。
  Take a good long look: this is today's clean coal technology. 仔细看哪!这就是现今的净煤科技。