乔布斯传 第454期:iMac发布会(1)(在线收听

   The Launch, May 6, 1998 iMac发布会:1998年5月6日

  With the launch of the original Macintosh in 1984, Jobs had created a new kind of theater: 在1984年的Mac电脑发布会上,乔布斯就创造了一套新的舞台效果:
  the product debut as an epochal event, climaxed by a let-there-be-light moment in which the skies part, a light shines down, 产品发布就像一场划时代的盛会,整场盛会以“要有光”的神圣时刻为高潮:天地分开、一束光射下来、
  the angels sing, and a chorus of the chosen faithful sings "Hallelujah." 天使歌唱、唱诗班合唱《哈利路亚》。
  For the grand unveiling of the product that he hoped would save Apple and again transform personal computing, 而对此次产品发布盛会,乔布斯有两个希望,一是使苹果公司起死回生,二是再次颠覆个人计算机的形象,
  Jobs symbolically chose the Flint Auditorium of De Anza Community College in Cupertino, the same venue he had used in 1984. 因此,乔布斯特意为这次发布会选择了库比蒂诺市迪安扎社区大学的燧石礼堂,这也是举办1984年发布会的地点。
  He would be pulling out all the stops in order to dispel doubts, rally the troops, 他愿意全力以赴,是为了消除疑虑、重整旗鼓、
  enlist support in the developers' community, and jump-start the marketing of the new machine. 在开发者社区获得支持,并快速启动iMac营销。
  But he was also doing it because he enjoyed playing impresario. 不过,他这么做的另外一个原因就是他很喜欢做“发布会总指挥”。
  Putting on a great show piqued his passions in the same way as putting out a great product. 和酝酿新产品一样,准备一场盛会也能大大激发他的热情。
  Displaying his sentimental side, he began with a graceful shout-out to three people he had invited to be up front in the audience. 他还不忘显示自己多愁善感的一面,作为开场白,他首先对着第一排观众席上的三位嘉宾礼貌地“喊话”。
  He had become estranged from all of them, but now he wanted them rejoined. 他曾经和这三个人渐行渐远,但是现在,他需要他们重新加入他的团队。
  "I started the company with Steve Wozniak in my parents' garage, and Steve is here today," “我曾经和史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克在我父母家的车库里成立了苹果公司,现在,他就在这里。”
  he said, pointing him out and prompting applause. 他说着,用手指向沃兹,观众爆发出一阵掌声。
  "We were joined by Mike Markkula and soon after that our first president, Mike Scott," he continued. “后来,迈克·马库拉加入了我们。不久之后,我们还迎来了我们的第一任总裁,迈克·斯科特。”他接着说,
  "Both of those folks are in the audience today. And none of us would be here without these three guys." “他们今天都来到了现场。如果没有他们三个人,今天我们谁也不会来到这里。”
  His eyes misted for a moment as the applause again built. 掌声又响了起来,他的眼眶湿润了。
  Also in the audience were Andy Hertzfeld and most of the original Mac team. 观众席中还有安迪·赫茨菲尔德以及当年Mac团队昀大部分成员。
  Jobs gave them a smile. He believed he was about to do them proud. 乔布斯向他们微笑示意。他相信,接下来自己会让他们感到自豪。