
   And I would like to share one short vignette. 我想与大家分享一个小故事。

  One Hazara said to his Pashtun counselor, 一个哈拉扎人对他的普什图咨询师说,
  "If we were to have met some years ago, then we would have killed each other. “如果我们很多年前相遇,我们会杀死彼此。
  And now you are helping me to regain some confidence in the future." 现在你却来帮助我让我对未来树立信心。”
  And another counselor said to me after the training, 另外一个咨询师在培训结束后对我说,
  "You know, I never knew why I survived the killings in my village, but now I know, “我一直不知道为什么村里的人都被杀死了,唯有我活了下来,现在我知道了,
  because I am part of a nucleus of a new peaceful society in Afghanistan." 因为我是阿富汗新和平社会的一份子。”
  So I believe this kept me running. 我相信正是这些话语激励着我不断前进。
  And this is a really emancipatory and political contribution to peace and reconciliation. 这的确是一种解放和政治运动,其目的是实现和平和解。
  And also -- I think -- without psycho-social therapy, 我认为,如果没有心理社会疗法,
  and without considering this in all humanitarian projects, we cannot build-up civil societies. 如果在人道主义活动中不考虑心理、社会的因素,文明社会就无法建立起来。
  I thought it was an idea worth spreading, and I think it must be, can be, could be replicated elsewhere. 我认为这个观念值得传播,也必须得以传播,能够在其他地方重复使用。
  I thank you for your attention. 感谢你们的关注。