
   I was amazed. I felt like Marco Polo. 我很惊讶。我觉得自己就像是马可波罗。

  And to capture the moment, I said to Xuelin, 为了捕捉这一刻,我对雪琳说,
  I said do you think that they will be OK if we actually took a photograph, a photograph. 你认为他们会愿意拍一张照片吗?
  I thought hang on, they will get a little bit worry, perhaps they don't know what a camera is, 我一直觉得他们会有一点担心,也许他们不知道相机是什么,
  let alone the camera can now be found on the phone. 更不用说在手机上的相机了。
  And so they all lined up and Xuelin ask him to take a photograph and they took a photograph with her phone. 他们都站好队,雪琳用自己的手机给他们拍了一张照片。
  And this was an amazing time. 这是一个惊人的时刻。
  I thought I will give talks about this, just this experience in Shenjiatun for many many years to come. 我想我会在许多年后谈到自己在沈家屯的经历。
  And then as the photograph has finished, everybody, including the old man, 拍完照片后每个人,包括那个老人,
  pulled out their smart phones and started to go to Shelin to ask her for her QS code, 都拿出自己的智能手机,开始问雪琳的微信号,
  so they could join her WeChat group and get copies of the photograph. 想要加她微信,接收照片。
  I thought that were amazed. 我感到很惊讶。
  But to me it was the perfect beautiful illustration of the ancient and the modern, 但对我来说这是古代与现代的完美勾勒,
  the old and the new resting together here in China. It was an extraordinary thing. 新旧事物共存于中国。这是一件非同寻常的事。