英语听力精选进阶版 6132(在线收听

Welcome Back Team GB 欢迎英国队回来

Members of the British Team received a heroes’ welcome in London after their best Olympic performance for over a century.

Team GB achieved a phenomenal triumph at the Beijing Olympics beyond everyone’s wildest dreams, finishing fourth in the medal table with a haul of 19 gold, 13 silver and 15 bronze medals.

The athletes were flown home on a private jet decorated with a special ‘gold nose’ in honour of their success.

They were overwhelmed as they stepped off the plane.

Chris Hoy, winner of three gold cycling medals, said: “It’s an incredible reception. You’re living in a bubble in the Olympic village and it’s only when you land and see quite how many people have turned up you realise – it’s incredible.”

Rebecca Adlington, Britain’s first female Olympic swimming champion for 48 years, added: "Both me and Chris came out here to just try our best to get a medal. Anything else that comes our way is an added bonus. I had my own expectations but it wasn't two gold medals, at all, and a world record."

As the Olympic flag was handed over to London Mayor Boris Johnson, thousands of people gathered outside Buckingham Palace for a party. They were entertained by pop musicians including McFly, The Feeling and Will Young.

The Royal Air Force took the crowd to a high with their trademark aerobatic flypast of white, red and blue smoke.

All eyes are now on London as the 2012 Olympics host city. It would be difficult not to compare Beijing and London, but Mayor Johnson is confident that the capital will deliver.

“We’ll draw on our wit, flair, imagination and ingenuity to build on what we’ve all witnessed in Beijing and deliver a fantabulous Olympics in what I consider to be not only my home, but the home of sport,” he said.

With just four more years to go, the race is now on for London to realise its promises to Olympic fans around the world.


phenomenal triumph 超常的,杰出的胜利

beyond everyone’s wildest dreams 远远超出了大家的期望

haul 一次获得的量(口语)

nose 鼻子,(这里指飞机的机头)

overwhelmed 使不知所措

reception 欢迎,接待

living in a bubble 生活在一个泡泡中,(指与世隔绝,和外界没联系)

an added bonus 额外的奖励

Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫

trademark 特征,标记,招牌

aerobatic 特技飞行的

flypast 飞行表演

deliver 履行,实现

wit 风趣,机智

flair 才能,天资

imagination 想象力

ingenuity 独创性

fantabulous (俚语)超棒的,顶呱呱的
