留美老师带你每日说英文 第1057期:美国人并未拥有最健康的的牙齿(在线收听

   Moviegoers were wowed by the perfect smiles of their favorite stars. Having good teeth became an aspiration. But despite that developing into a near national obsession with perfect teeth, Americans don't actually have the healthiest teeth.

  1.moviegoer 常看电影的人
  moviegoer (n.) 常看电影的人
  movie buff (n.) 电影狂热份子
  beachgoer (n.) 爱去海滩的人
  2.aspiration 志向、抱负
  aspiration (n.) 志向、抱负
  aspire (v.) 向往
  perspire (v.) 出汗、渗出
  expire (v.) 到期、死亡
  3.despite 尽管
  despite (prep..) 尽管
  in spite of (prep..) 尽管
  4.obsession 着迷
  obsession (n.) 着迷
  obsessive (adj.) 令人困扰的、使人着迷的、过分关心的
  obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) (n.) 强迫症
  obesess (v.) 使着迷、使烦扰