留美老师带你每日说英文 第1061期:怎么做才能把压力转成助力(在线收听

   So what can you do to turn stress to your advantage and stay calm and collected when it matters the most? First, if you know a stressful situation like a test is coming, try preparing in conditions similar to the stressful environment.

  1.stress 压力;紧张;压迫
  stress (n.) 压力;紧张;压迫
  stressful (adj.) 紧张的;压力大的
  2.advantage 有利条件;优点;优势
  advantage (n.) 有利条件;优点;优势
  advantageous (adj.) 有利的;有助的;有益的
  advance (v.) 使向前移动;推进;促进
  3.collected 收集成的;镇定的
  collected (adj.) 收集成的;镇定的
  collective (adj.) 聚集而成的;集体的;共同的
  4.condition 情况;状态;环境
  condition (n.) 情况;状态;环境
  condiment (n.) (辛辣) 调味品;佐料
  5.environment 环境;四周状况
  environment (n.) 环境;四周状况
  environmentally-friendly (ph.) 保护生态环境的;对生态环境无害的