英语听力精选进阶版 6177(在线收听

Harry Potter Stars Drenched at Premiere 哈里?波特班底明星首映式遇倾盆大雨

Harry Potter's magic spells might be able to fight the forces of evil, but they couldn't prevent a torrential downpour at the premiere of his latest film on Tuesday night.

Thousands of fans braved heavy rain as they waited in London's Leicester Square for the launch of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, many camping overnight in order to get a good spot.

But hardy fans were not disappointed as drenched stars Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson all squelched down the red carpet.

Radcliffe, who plays the young wizard himself, even spent over an hour chatting to fans in the monsoon-like conditions wearing only a thin suit, leaving him soaked to the skin.

So what's the story about this time? The sixth Potter film explores the past of the series' chief antagonist, Lord Voldemort, as well as the growing pains of adolescence.

The film is also slightly different in its feel to previous editions, with one review warning that, "Those wanting noisy spectacle and endless action will be disappointed. This is a talky Potter."

For Potter star Rupert Grint, there was more than the rain to worry about. The actor, who plays Ron Weasley, attended the premiere after recovering from a mild case of swine flu.

"Swine flu is nothing really, I found out. It's just like normal flu, it's just that you are in bed for a while. Initially, the words 'swine flu' were kind of scary, but it was easy," he said.

With only two more films to go in the franchise, Radcliffe said he would miss playing Potter.

"It's going to be very, very sad to finish these movies but, at the same time, it will be exciting."


magic spells 神奇的咒语

forces of evil 邪恶的势力

torrential downpour 急剧的倾盆大雨

braved 勇敢的面对

launch 首映

camping overnight 通宵露营

get a good spot 占据一个好位置

hardy 坚强的,勇猛的

drenched 被淋透

squelched 发出扑哧声(如叫从黏泥中拔出时)

wizard 男巫

monsoon-like conditions 在下倾盆大雨的情况下

soaked to the skin 淋透了

antagonist 对手

growing pains of adolescence 成长的烦恼

noisy spectacle 热闹火爆场景

talky 对白多的

mild case 轻度

swine flu 猪流感 (H1N1甲型流感)

franchise 特许拍片权
