英语听力精选进阶版 6180(在线收听

New Witch of Wookey Hole: Wookey 洞里的新巫婆

Do you ever fancy a career change?

Well if you can cast spells, fly on a broomstick and have a good cackle, then you might be interested in becoming a professional witch.

And if you become the Witch of Wookey Hole you could even earn a good salary.

Legend has it that the haunted caves of Wookey Hole in the south of England were home to a witch who laid a curse on the local villagers, until she was turned to stone by a monk.

These days the caves are a tourist attraction which bring in thousands of visitors a year. And they have just appointed a new witch.

On Tuesday, Carole Bonahan beat over 300 applicants with pointy hats, capes and hooked noses to win the £50,000-a-year (around 500,000 RMB) post as Wookey Hole’s resident witch.

Carole, who will now be known by her witch’s name Carla Calamity, will give up her job as an estate agent in order to become a full-time witch. Her main duty will be welcoming visitors to the caves.

Miss Calamity wears stilettos and describes herself as a “glamorous witch”. She said that her old job wasn’t perhaps as different to being a witch as you might imagine:

“I am going to be a great witch. All it takes is a little bit of magic and a little pizzazz. It’s a natural progression from my old job as an estate agent. I have been using my witching skills to sell houses for a long time.”

Handing over the broomstick was Jane Brenner who has been Wookey’s witch for the past six years. She said:

“We didn’t want anyone who would scare the children. We wanted a good witch to meet and greet people and to act as an ambassador for the attraction. This isn’t a cushy job.”

Indeed, Carla Calamity had to overcome a wide range of people from all walks of life in order to get the job. Teachers, a photographer, and even an accountant all threw their hats in the ring.

So next time you feel like introducing a little magic into your life, you might want to think about a career in witching.


cast spells 用符咒镇住(某人或某物)

broomstick 扫把

cackle 邪恶的笑声

earn a good salary 挣一份好的年薪

legend has it 传说中讲 

laid a curse 诅咒 

tourist attraction 旅游景点

appointed 被任命

capes 披风,斗篷

hooked noses 鹰钩鼻 

calamity 大灾难

estate agent 房产销售员 

stilettos 细高跟鞋

glamorous 富有魅力的

pizzazz 活力

natural progression 自然发展

meet and greet 欢迎 

a cushy job 一个容易做的工作

all walks of life 各行各业

threw their hats in the ring (比喻)参加竞争
