
   Such a testosterone boost may give a man the nudge to pursue a woman he might not have otherwise noticed. 睾丸素分泌的增加可能会促使这个男人去追求这个平时他可能就会忽略的女性。

  A woman's nose is particularly attuned to MHC molecules, which are used to fight disease. 女性的鼻子对一种名为MHC分子的化学物质尤为敏感。这种物质是用来对抗疾病的。
  In this case, opposites attract. 因此,异性相吸。
  When a study asked women to smell T-shirts that had been worn by different men,  另一个研究要求女性来闻不同男性穿过的T恤
  they preferred the odors of those whose MHC molecules differed from theirs. 她们更倾向于和她们自己的MHC分子不同的气味。
  This makes sense. 这是说得通的。
  Genes that result in a greater variety of immunities may give offspring a major survival advantage. 基因造成的免疫力的巨大差异可能会给后代以重要的生存优势。
  Our ears also determine attraction. 我们的耳朵同样决定着吸引力。
  Men prefer females with high-pitched, breathy voices, and wide formant spacing, correlated with smaller body size. 男人更喜欢女性拥有音调较高、带有呼吸声、共振间隔较长的声音,因为它让人联想到小巧玲珑。
  While women prefer low-pitched voices with a narrow formant spacing that suggest a larger body size. 而女性则更喜欢音调低沉、共振间隔较短的男性声音,因为它让人联想到高大威猛。
  And not surprisingly, touch turns out to be crucial for romance. 意料之中,触觉对浪漫有着决定性的作用。
  In this experiment, not realizing the study had begun, participants were asked to briefly hold the coffee, either hot or iced. 在一个实验中,被告知实验开始前参与者被要求短暂地拿着一杯咖啡,热的或者是冷的。
  Later, the participants read a story about a hypothetical person, and were asked to rate their personality. 然后,参与者被要求阅读一个假想的人的故事并且评价他的个性。
  Those who had held the hot cup of coffee perceived the person in the story as happier, more social, more generous and better-natured  拿着热咖啡的人认为故事里的人快乐、具有社会性、慷慨、天性善良,
  than those who had held the cup of iced coffee, who rated the person as cold, stoic, and unaffectionate. 而拿了冷咖啡的人则认为这个人冷酷、恬淡无欲、没有感情。