
   Marketing emphasizes the allure of products associated with ancient and remote cultures to create a sense of mysticism for consumers. 营销人员强调这些和远古文化有关的产品的吸引力,来给消费者带来一种神秘的感觉。

  While so-called super foods, like blueberries or a?aí, do add a powerful punch of nutrients, 虽然所谓的超级食物,比如蓝莓和巴西莓确实能大量增加营养,
  their super transformative qualities are largely exaggeration. 但它们带来超级蜕变的能力被过度夸大了。
  They are healthy additions to a balanced diet, 它们确实是一个均衡膳食中健康的补充物,
  yet often, they're marketed as part of sugary drinks or cereals, in which case the negative properties outweigh the benefits. 但是它们往往被作为一种含糖饮料或麦片兜售,而这种情况下,它们的负面效果远远超过了好处。
  Cleanses, too, may be great in moderation since they can assist with jump-starting weight loss 身体净化剂也是如此,由于它们在减重方面能起到助力作用,
  and can increase the number of fresh fruits and vegetables consumed daily. 而且可以增加每日摄入的新鲜水果和蔬菜数量,它们在调理方面也许作用强大。
  Scientifically speaking, though, they've not yet been shown to have either a long-term benefit 但是,从科学的角度来说,它们尚未被证明有长期好处,
  or to detox the body any better than the natural mechanisms already in place. 而且在给身体排毒方面也不见得就比已经存在的天然机制要好。
  Everywhere we look, we're offered solutions to how we can look better, feel fitter, and generally get ahead. 在我们目光所及之处都能找到告诉我们怎样才能看起来更好、感觉更健康、总体领先的方案。
  Food is no exception, but advice on what we should eat is best left to the doctors and nutritionists who are aware of our individual circumstances. 食物也不例外,但是饮食方面的建议最好还是交给了解我们个人状况的医生和营养师吧。
  Diets and food fads aren't inherently wrong. 饮食法和膳食风尚不一定都是错的。
  Circumstantially, they might even be right, just not for everyone all of the time. 在特定情况下,它们甚至也许是正确的,只不过并不是一直适用于我们所有人。