
   Which of these has the least carbohydrates? 这些(食物)中哪些含碳水化合物最少呢?

  This roll of bread? This bowl of rice? Or this can of soda? 这卷面包?这碗米饭?或者这罐苏打水?
  It's a trick question. 这是个陷阱题。
  Although they may differ in fats, vitamins, and other nutritional content,  尽管它们的脂肪、维生素和其他营养物质的含量不同,
  when it comes to carbs, they're pretty much the same. 但碳水化合物的含量几乎是相同的。
  So what exactly does that mean for your diet? 那么这对于你的饮食意味着什么呢?
  First of all, carbohydrate is the nutritional category for sugars and molecules that your body breaks down to make sugars. 首先,碳水化合物是一类可以通过你的身体被分解生成糖类的物质。
  Carbohydrates can be simple or complex depending on their structure. 根据其结构不同,碳水化合物可以很简单,也可以很复杂。
  This is a simple sugar, or monosaccharide. 这是一种结构简单的糖,或者叫单糖。
  Glucose, fructose, and galactose are all simple sugars. 葡萄糖,果糖,半乳糖都是结构简单的糖。
  Link two of them together, and you've got a disaccharide, lactose, maltose, or sucrose. 把这些糖中的其中两种连接起来,你就得到了二糖,乳糖,麦芽糖或者蔗糖。
  Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, have three or more simple sugars strung together. 另一方面,复合碳水化合物是由两种或者三种单糖形成的。
  Complex carbohydrates with three to ten linked sugars are oligosaccharides. 由3到10个糖分子连接起来的复合碳水化合物,称为低聚糖。
  Those with more than ten are polysaccharides. 由多于10个糖分子组成的那些称为多聚糖。
  During digestion, your body breaks down those complex carbohydrates into their monosaccharide building blocks,  在消化的过程中,你的身体把那些复合碳水化合物分解成它们的单糖单元,
  which your cells can use for energy. 你的细胞可以利用这些单糖来获得能量。
  So when you eat any carbohydrate-rich food, the sugar level in your blood, normally about a teaspoon, goes up. 因此当你吃任何富含碳水化合物的食物时,你的血糖含量——正常情况下大概一茶匙——就会上升。
  But your digestive tract doesn't respond to all carbohydrates the same. 但是你的消化道并不是对所有的碳水化合物都有一样的反应。