
   Have you ever talked with a friend about a problem only to realize that he just doesn't seem to grasp why the issue is so important to you? 你有没有遇到过这样的情况,当你跟一个朋友聊起自己的困难,你发现他好像无法明白这事为什么对你这么重要?

  Have you ever presented an idea to a group and it's met with utter confusion? 你表达自己的想法给一群人,结果却发现没人能明白?
  Or maybe you've been in an argument when the other person suddenly accuses you of not listening to what they're saying at all? 或者跟别人辩论时,对方突然指责起你来,说你根本没有在听他们说什么?
  What's going on here? 这是怎么回事呢?
  The answer is miscommunication, and in some form or another, we've all experienced it. 答案是交流不畅,而且不管是哪种形式(的交流不畅),我们都遇到过。
  It can lead to confusion, animosity, misunderstanding, or even crashing a multimillion dollar probe into the surface of Mars. 它会让人糊涂,产生仇恨,引起误会,甚至使一个价值数百万的探测器在火星坠毁。
  The fact is even when face-to-face with another person, in the very same room, and speaking the same language, 其实,即便人们当面聊天,在同一个房间,说同一种语言,
  human communication is incredibly complex. 人类的交流依然是极为复杂的。
  But the good news is that a basic understanding of what happens when we communicate can help us prevent miscommunication. 好在,当我们交流时,对当下情况的基本理解可以帮我们避免交流不畅。
  For decades, researchers have asked, "What happens when we communicate?" 数十年来,科学家们不断探索“当我们交流时,到底发生了什么?”
  One interpretation, called the transmission model, views communication as a message that moves directly from one person to another,  有一种解释是“传递模式”出问题,它视这种交流模式是一种讯息只做单向的传递而已。
  similar to someone tossing a ball and walking away. 这就好比,A 向 B 扔了一个球,然后走掉了。
  But in reality, this simplistic model doesn't account for communication's complexity. 但是,这个简易的模式并不能用来解释复杂的交流。
  Enter the transactional model, which acknowledges the many added challenges of communicating. 另一种解释是“交换模式”,它承认交流中的附加障碍。
  With this model, it's more accurate to think of communication between people as a game of catch. 这个模式形容地更准确,就好比把人与人的交流比喻成一场接球游戏。
  As we communicate our message, we receive feedback from the other party. 当我们在交流信息时,我们会收到对方的反馈。
  Through the transaction, we create meaning together. 通过这样的信息交换,双方共同建立语义。
  But from this exchange, further complications arise. 但是这样的交换也会有复杂性产生。
  It's not like the Star Trek universe, where some characters can Vulcan mind meld, fully sharing thoughts and feelings. 它不像星际迷航里面的演员可以心灵感应,可以完全准确地传递想法感受。
  As humans, we can't help but send and receive messages through our own subjective lenses. 相反,人类只能通过主观视角来发送和接收信息。
  When communicating, one person expresses her interpretation of a message, and the person she's communicating with hears his own interpretation of that message. 在交流中,一个人按照她自己的理解去表达信息,而另一个人则会用自己的方式去理解该信息。
  Our perceptual filters continually shift meanings and interpretations. 所以,我们的“感知过滤器”一直在改变语言的含义。