
   We found our second Blue Zone  我们找的第二个蓝区

  on the other side of the planet,  在地球另一端
  about 800 miles south of Tokyo,  离东京南部约800英里
  on the archipelago of Okinawa.  在冲绳县的古拉格岛
  Okinawa is actually 161 small islands.  古拉格群岛由161个小岛组成
  And in the northern part of the main island,  中心岛屿的北部
  this is ground zero for world longevity.  是世界长寿的起点
  This is a place where the oldest living female population is found.  最长寿的女性就是在这个地方发现的
  It's a place where people have the longest disability-free  这个地方的人是世界上
  life expectancy in the world.  寿命最长的无伤残人群
  They have what we want.  他们拥有我们渴望的东西
  They live a long time, and tend to die in their sleep,  他们活很久,常常在睡觉中死去
  very quickly,  速度快
  and often, I can tell you, after sex.  而且通常是在性行为之后。
  They live about seven good years longer than the average American.  他们比普通美国人寿命长7年
  Five times as many centenarians as we have in America.  是美国百岁老人的5倍
  One fifth the rate of colon and breast cancer,  在美国结肠癌和乳腺癌是强大杀手
  big killers here in America.  致死率为五分之一
  And one sixth the rate of cardiovascular disease.  六分之一死于心血管疾病
  And the fact that this culture has yielded these numbers  事实上,国家产生的这些数量
  suggests strongly they have something to teach us.  强烈暗示我们有许多要向他们学习的。
  What do they do?  他们做什么呢
  Once again, a plant-based diet,  还是植物性食物为主
  full of vegetables with lots of color in them.  绿色蔬菜繁多
  And they eat about eight times as much tofu  他们是美国人吃豆腐
  as Americans do.  数量的八倍
  More significant than what they eat is how they eat it.  比吃什么更重要的是如何来吃
  They have all kinds of little strategies  他们有各种各样的小策略来
  to keep from overeating,  杜绝过度饱食
  which, as you know, is a big problem here in America.  众所周知,这在美国是一个大问题
  A few of the strategies we observed:  我们观察了几个策略如下:
  they eat off of smaller plates, so they tend to eat fewer calories at every sitting.  他们吃饭用较小的盘子,所以每次就吃较少的卡路里
  Instead of serving family style,  不是家庭型用餐
  where you can sort of mindlessly eat as you're talking,  在这种类型的用餐上,你会边聊边没意识的吃,
  they serve at the counter, put the food away,  他们是在吧台服务,把食物拿走
  and then bring it to the table.  然后拿回桌子上
  They also have a 3,000-year-old adage,  他们有一个流传三千年的谚语,
  which I think is the greatest sort of diet suggestion ever invented.  我认为是前所未有的最棒饮食建议
  It was invented by Confucius.  是孔子提出的。
  And that diet is known as the Hara, Hatchi, Bu diet.  这种饮食就是周知柯罗,八术门,卜饮食。
  It's simply a little saying these people say before their meal  吃饭前这些人简单说一点谚语
  to remind them to stop eating when their stomach is  undefined
  percent full.  提醒他们吃到8成饱就停止进食
  It takes about a half hour for that full feeling  这种饱腹感要用一个小时
  to travel from your belly to your brain.  才能从肚子到大脑。
  And by remembering to stop at 80 percent  只吃到八成饱
  it helps keep you from doing that very thing.  能阻止你做出极端的事情
  But, like Sardinia, Okinawa has a few social constructs  但是,和撒丁岛一样,冲绳有很少社会建构
  that we can associate with longevity.  能和长寿联系起来
  We know that isolation kills.  我们知道那次的隔离杀戮
  Fifteen years ago, the average American had three good friends.  15年前,平均每个美国人有三个好朋友
  We're down to one and half right now.  现在仅有一个半
  If you were lucky enough to be born in Okinawa,  如果你很幸运生在日本冲绳
  you were born into a system where you  你就生在了一个自然而然
  automatically have a half a dozen friends  地一生轻易就能拥有
  with whom you travel through life.  四个朋友的地方。
  They call it a Moai. And if you're in a Moai  他们称作魔埃
  you're expected to share the bounty if you encounter luck,  如果你在魔埃碰到好运的话能与人分享馈赠
  and if things go bad,  如果运气糟糕
  child gets sick, parent dies,  则孩子生病父母死亡
  you always have somebody who has your back.  总有一个人带你走,
  This particular Moai, these five ladies  这个特殊的魔埃,这五个女人
  have been together for 97 years.  在一起已经97年了
  Their average age is 102.  她们平均102岁
  Typically in America  在美国,
  we've divided our adult life up into two sections.  我们把成人寿命分成两部分
  There is our work life,  一个是工作寿命,
  where we're productive.  是我们多产的时间。
  And then one day, boom, we retire.  然后某一天,繁荣,然后退休。
  And typically that has meant  这就意味着
  retiring to the easy chair,  退到安乐椅上
  or going down to Arizona to play golf.  或者去亚利桑那州打高尔夫。
  In the Okinawan language there is not even  在冲绳语言里
  a word for retirement.  压根没退休这个词。
  Instead there is one word  而有一个词却
  that imbues your entire life,  深嵌在你的一生
  and that word is "ikigai."  这个词叫做“生活价值”。
  And, roughly translated, it means  简单解释一下,就是
  "the reason for which you wake up in the morning."  “你早晨醒来的理由。”
  For this 102-year-old karate master,  对这个102岁的空手道大师来说,
  his ikigai was carrying forth this martial art.  他的生活价值在武术中实现着。
  For this hundred-year-old fisherman  这个百岁渔翁
  it was continuing to catch fish for his family three times a week.  每周还出海为家庭打三次渔。
  And this is a question. The National Institute on Aging  对于这个问题,老年研究所
  actually gave us a questionnaire to give these centenarians.  给我们做了这些百岁老人的调查问卷。
  And one of the questions, they were very culturally astute,  对其中一个问题,他们的文化警惕性很高,
  the people who put the questionnaire.  即是谁提出的问卷。
  One of the questions was, "What is your ikigai?"  有一个问题是,“你的生活价值是什么?”
  They instantly knew why they woke up in the morning.  他们立马知道早晨为何而醒来。
  For this 102 year old woman, her ikigai  这个102岁的老人,她的生活意义
  was simply her great-great-great-granddaughter.  只是她的玄孙女。
  Two girls separated in age by 101 and a half years.  这两个女性年龄差距是101岁半。
  And I asked her what it felt like  我问她养育这个玄孙女
  to hold a great-great-great-granddaughter.  感觉怎么样。
  And she put her head back and she said,  她仰着头说道:
  "It feels like leaping into heaven."  真像跳入天堂一般。
  I thought that was a wonderful thought.  我认为这是个顶好的想法。