
   Well, just to close, I want to suggest to you  好,说到这里,我想提醒大家

  that I've been talking a lot about the fathers.  我已经谈论了很多前人的事情
  And I want to think about the possibilities  我还想考虑一下
  of what democracy might look like, or might have looked like,  民主会是什么样子,或者是已经是什么样子的可能性
  if we had more involved the mothers.  如果我们可以让更多的母亲参与进来
  And I want to say something a little bit radical for a feminist,  我还想说对女权主义者有点激进的话
  and that is that I think that there may be  那就是我认为
  different kinds of insights  不同的人
  that can come from different kinds of anatomies,  也许可以带来不同的的观察视角
  particularly when we have people thinking in groups.  特别是当我们习惯于群体性思维的时候
  Now for years, because I've been interested in intersex,  我已经对双性人感兴趣很多年了
  I've also been interested in sex difference research.  也对性别差异也进行了多年的研究
  And one of the things that I've been really interested in  我十分感兴趣的事情之一是
  is looking at the differences between males and females  去观察世界范围内男性与女性之间
  in terms of the way they think and operate in the world.  在思考问题和解决问题上的差别
  And what we know from cross-cultural studies  我们从跨文化研究中得知
  is that females, on average --  女性,平均的看——
  not everyone, but on average --  当然不是每个人,而是平均的看——
  are more inclined to be very attentive  更倾向于留意
  to complex social relations  复杂的社会关系
  and to taking care of people  同时更加关心、同情
  who are basically vulnerable within the group.  人群中的弱势群体
  And so if we think about that,  那么如果我们这么认为
  we have an interesting situation on our hands.  我们发现一个有趣的情况
  Years ago, when I was in graduate school,  数年前,当我读研究生的时候
  one of my graduate advisers who knew I was interested in feminism --  我的一位指导教授知道我对女权运动很感兴趣——
  I considered myself a feminist, as I still do --  我自认是女权主义者,一直是——
  asked a really strange question.  他问了我一个很怪的问题
  He said, "Tell me what's feminine about feminism."  他说:“告诉我女权主义女性化在哪里”
  And I thought, "Well that's the dumbest question I've ever heard.  我想“恩……这是我听过的最让我哑口无言的问题
  Feminism is all about undoing stereotypes about gender,  女权主义是所有消除陈腐性别观念的一切活动的统称,
  so there's nothing feminine about feminism."  因此,女权主义不存在女性化”
  But the more I thought about his question,  但是,进一步解读这个问题,
  the more I thought there might be something feminine about feminism.  我想的更多的是,也许女权主义存在着一些女性化
  That is to say, there might be something, on average,  也就是说,也许有一些,总的说来
  different about female brains from male brains  女性的思维不同于男性的部分
  that makes us more attentive  使得我们更加富有警惕性
  to deeply complex social relationships  对于复杂的社会关系
  and more attentive to taking care of the vulnerable.  并且更加注意关心那些弱势群体
  So whereas the fathers were extremely attentive  但是前人们细心的
  to figuring out how to protect individuals from the state,  指出如何保护个人不受国家的影响
  it's possible that if we injected more mothers  如果我们在这个概念中注入如更多的母性
  into this concept,  是可能的
  what we would have is more of a concept  我们将拥有的要远多于一个概念
  of, not just how to protect,  不仅仅是如何保护
  but how to care for each other.  而是如何照顾彼此
  And maybe that's where we need to go in the future,  也许这就是我们未来要走的路
  when we take democracy beyond anatomy,  当我们抛开人种的分别来讲民主——
  is to think less about the individual body,  也就是较少的考虑到人的个体
  in terms of the identity,  关于人的身份特性,
  and think more about those relationships.  而是更多的考虑人们之间的关系
  So that as we the people try to create a more perfect union,  因此,当人们试图创造一个更加美好的联合体的时候
  we're thinking about what we do for each other.  我们需要考虑的是我们为他人都做了什么
  Thank you.  谢谢