英语听力精选进阶版 6233(在线收听

A Degree in Luxury is Being Launched攻读奢侈品牌的学位刚刚推出

In a so-called age of austerity you might not expect a university to be offering a degree in luxury.

However, this autumn the International University of Monaco is launching a master's degree in luxury retail management.

The degree is a far cry from the student stereotype of debt and dingy flats, and will follow a syllabus looking at designer products, private jets and yachts.

The course has been developed in collaboration with designer brands such as Gucci and Ralph Lauren. The 35 students will learn about how to sell lavish goods and run luxury boutiques.

Despite Europe's current financial troubles, the university says the course has been developed in response to a demand for staff who specialise in the luxury market.

A spokeswoman for the university says, "Gone are the days when it was easy to sell luxury goods based on the allure of the brand alone." The university also says that the course will teach students how to offer people an exceptional shopping experience "in which consumers develop long-lasting and emotional ties with the brand".

However, before you start applying to live the high life it is important to point out that students will be learning about, rather than enjoying, the world of opulent brands.

The degree is in a country associated with wealth and extravagance, but the International University of Monaco is not the first to offer a degree in luxury retail.

High-end London department store Harrods, known for its designer products, announced earlier this year that it would be offering an undergraduate degree in retailing for its own staff. The famous London store believes it will reap the rewards from a university training programme.

So that is one Harrods product that tourists won't be able to take home - a university degree.

Glossary 词汇表

so-called 所谓的 

age of austerity 简朴的年代 

far cry 相差甚远 

stereotype 模式化的形象 

dingy 肮脏的 

syllabus 教学大纲 

yachts 游艇 

in collaboration with 与…合作 

brands 品牌 

lavish 奢侈的,昂贵的 

run 经营 

specialise 专攻 

gone are the days …日子一去不返 

allure 诱惑力,吸引力 

emotional ties 感情上的纽带 

live the high life 过着奢侈豪华的生活 

opulent 豪华的 

extravagance 奢侈,挥霍 

high-end 高档 

reap the rewards 收获成果
