
   So this is work from a colleague in Toronto.  这个工作是我们一个多伦多的同事完成的。

  What they showed is that, initially,  他们发现一开始参加实验的人的表现
  you know, subjects perform where they are expected to perform given their age. 和他们那个年龄段应有的差不多。
  After two weeks of training on action video games, 玩了两个星期的动作电子游戏以后,
  they actually perform better,  他们的表现变得更好了。
  and the improvement is still there five months after having done the training. 这个提高在训练后的五个月后仍然有体现。
  That's really, really important.  这一点非常非常重要。
  Why? Because I told you we want to use these games for education or for rehabilitation. 为什么?因为就像我说的我们想要把这些游戏用在教育和医疗康复上。
  We need to have effects that are going to be long-lasting. 这需要效果能够持久存在。
  Now, at this point, a number of you are probably wondering  现在,你们中的不少人大概在想:
  well, what are you waiting for, to put on the market a game "你们还在等什么?为什么不快点发行一款
  that would be good for the attention of my grandmother and that she would actually enjoy, 像是对我祖母的注意力有帮助而且让她喜欢的游戏,
  or a game that would be great to rehabilitate the vision  或者是一款能使眼睛弱视的
  of my grandson who has amblyopia, for example?  孙子视力复原的游戏?"
  Well, we're working on it, but here is a challenge.  我们在努力,但是有一个挑战。
  There are brain scientists like me that are beginning to understand 有一些像我一样的脑科学家开始了解
  what are the good ingredients in games to promote positive effects, 游戏中能带来积极效果的成分,
  and that's what I'm going to call the broccoli side of the equation. 我把这叫做等式的花椰菜侧。
  There is an entertainment software industry  而娱乐软件产业
  which is extremely deft at coming up with appealing products that you can't resist. 总能敏锐地开发出让人无法抗拒地产品。
  That's the chocolate side of the equation.  这是等式的巧克力侧。
  The issue is we need to put the two together,  问题是我们怎么把这两者结合起来,
  and it's a little bit like with food.  这个过程有点像是各种食材的搭配。
  Who really wants to eat chocolate-covered broccoli?  有谁会想吃沾着巧克力的花椰菜吗?
  None of you.And you probably have had that feeling, 没有人。你们可能有过这种感受,
  right, picking up an education game and sort of feeling, hmm, 当你们开始玩一个教育游戏,然后感觉到,
  you know, it's not really fun, it's not really engaging. 怎么说呢,它并不好玩也没那么引人入胜。
  So what we need is really a new brand of chocolate, 所以我们真正需要的是一种新牌子的巧克力,
  a brand of chocolate that is irresistible, that you really want to play, 一种让人无法抗拒的巧克力。让你想吃的同时
  but that has all the ingredients,  包含了所有应该有的成分,
  the good ingredients that are extracted from the broccoli that you can't recognize  那些从花椰菜中提取出来已经尝不出来
  but are still working on your brains.  但仍然对大脑有作用的有益成分。
  And we're working on it,  我们正在朝这个方向努力,
  but it takes to come and to get together,  但是这需要脑科学家,
  brain scientists people that work in the entertainment software industry, and publishers, 娱乐软件界的人们和发行商的合作。
  so these are not people that usually meet every day, but it's actually doable, 这些人一般不怎么聚到一起,但这样的合作是能做到的,
  and we are on the right track.  而我们的工作已经上了轨道。
  I'd like to leave you with that thought, and thank you for your attention. 今天我就以这个想法结束,谢谢大家关注。