
   Back at SCVNGR, we like to joke that with seven game dynamics,  在SCVNGR的时候,我们总开玩笑说,如果有7个玩游戏的动机的话,

  you can get anyone to do anything.  我们就能让任何人做任何事情。
  And so today, I'm going to show you four,  今天我给大家介绍四种,
  because I hope to have a competitive advantage at the end of this, still.  因为我想保留一些,以保证我的相对优势。
  So the first one, it's a very simple game dynamic.  第一个,很简单的玩游戏的动机。
  It's called the appointment dynamic.  它叫做约定动机appointment dynamic。
  And this is a dynamic in which to succeed,  要想使这种动机发挥作用,
  players have to do something at a predefined time, generally at a predefined place. 参与游戏者需要在约定的时间做某种事情,通常也约定好了地点。
  And these dynamics are a little scary sometimes, because you think, you know, 有时这种动机有些吓人,因为,你可以设想,
  other people can be using forces that will manipulate how I interact: what I do, where I do it, when I do it. 其他人可能用这种力量来控制人们该如何交流,做什么,在什么地方做以及什么时候去做。
  This sort of loss of free will that occurs in games can be frightening, 在游戏过程中,这种自由的丧失确实存在,有些恐怖,
  so with each dynamic, I'm going to give three examples:  每种动机我都会举三个例子——
  one that shows how this is already being used in the real world,  一个是已经在真实世界中应用的例子,
  so you can sort of rationalize it a little bit;  所以你们可以更好地体会它,
  one that shows it in what we consider a conventional game --  另一个是指出它在传统游戏中表现——
  I think everything is a game,  我认为所有的事情都是游戏,
  but this is sort of more of a what you would think is a game played on a board or on a computer screen, 这与棋盘游戏或者电脑游戏很相似,
  and then one how this can be used for good,  最后一个例子是如何向着好的方向利用这种动机,
  so we can see that these forces can really be very powerful.  由此我们可以看到这些力量是如何的强大。
  So the first one -- the most famous appointment dynamic in the world--is something called happy hour.  第一个例子——也就是世界上有关约定动机的最有名的例子--被称作快乐时刻的例子。
  So I just recently dropped out of Princeton  因为我刚刚从普林斯顿辍学,
  and actually ended up for the first time in a bar,  第一次在酒吧中结束学业生涯,
  and I saw these happy hour things all over the place, right.  我发现在很多地方都有这种优惠时段。
  And this is simply an appointment dynamic.  这是一种简单的约定动机。
  Come here at a certain time, get your drinks half off.  在特定的时间到这里聚会,喝一杯半价饮料。
  To win, all you have to do is show up at the right place at the right time.  为了好处,你会在特定时间出现在特定地方。
  This game dynamic is so powerful  这种游戏动力如此强大,
  that it doesn't just influence our behavior, it's influenced our entire culture.  以至于它不仅影响到我们的行为,还影响了整个文化。
  That's a really scary thought, that one game dynamic can change things so powerfully. 这确实让人害怕,一种玩游戏的动机居然使事情发生如此大的改变。
  It also exists in more conventional game forms.  这种动机也存在于很多传统游戏中。
  I'm sure you've all heard of Farmville by now.  我敢肯定你们都听说过了美国农场游戏Farmville。
  If you haven't, I recommend playing it.  如果你没听过,我推荐你玩一下。
  You won't do anything else with the rest of your day.  有了它,一天的其他时间里你都不会再去做别的事了。
  Farmville has more active users than Twitter.  美国农场游戏Farmville的用户比Twitter的用户还活跃。
  It's incredibly powerful, and it has this dynamic  它的力量是如此的强大,能让你
  where you have to return at a certain time to water your crops -- fake crops -- or they wilt. 在特定的时刻赶回来玩游戏,为你的庄稼浇水--虚拟的庄稼--否则它们就枯萎了。
  And this is so powerful that, when they tweak their stats,  它的力量如此强大,当信息显示,
  when they say your crops wilt after eight hours, or after six hours, or after 24 hours, 你的庄稼会在8个小时、6个小时或者24个小时之后枯萎,
  it changes the lifecycle of 70 million-some people during the day. 它就能改变这一天7千万人的生物钟。
  They will return like clockwork at different times.  他们会像闹钟一样准时地在不同时间回来给庄稼浇水。
  So if they wanted the world to end, if they wanted productivity to stop,  如果制定游戏的人想要农场倒闭,生产力停滞,
  they could make this a 30-minute cycle, and no one could do anything else, right? 他们可以把浇水的周期改为30分钟,所有人就无法做其他事情了。
  That's a little scary.  这有些恐怖。
  But this could also be used for good.  但是也可以用这种动机做好事。
  This is a local company called Vitality,  有一个本地的企业叫做Vitality,
  and they've created a product to help people take their medicine on time. 他们生产一种产品来帮助人们按时吃药。
  That's an appointment.  这是一种约定。
  It's something that people don't do very well.  在这个方面,有时人们表现的并不好。
  And they have these GlowCaps, which, you know, flash and email you  所以他们就制造了GlowCaps,能够闪烁,还能够给你发邮件
  and do all sorts of cool things to remind you to take your medicine.  还会做一些其他有趣的事情来提醒你吃药。
  This is one that isn't a game yet, but really should be.  这不太像是一种游戏,但实际上它是。
  You should get points for doing this on time.  当你按时吃药的话,你就能够得分。
  You should lose points for not doing this on time.  没有做到就要被扣分。
  They should consciously recognize that they've built an appointment dynamic and leverage the games. 他们应该意识到,他们已经拥有了约定动机,提升了游戏的水平。
  And then you can really achieve good in some interesting ways.  你确实可以巧妙地利用这一动机做些好事。