留美老师带你每日说英文 第1065期:岛国面对的自然灾害问题(在线收听

   Even more vulnerable are the islands in Southeast Asia and the central Pacific, which face earthquakes, storms and increasing sea levels. Many of these countries don't have the resources or infrastructure to deal with disasters.

  1.vulnerable 易受伤的、有弱点的
  vulnerable (adj.) 易受伤的、有弱点的
  fragile (adj.) 易碎的、脆弱的
  2.resource 资源、对策
  resource (n.) 资源、对策
  source (n.) 源头
  source (v.) 获得、开源
  3.infrastructure 基础建设
  infrastructure (n.) 基础建设
  infrastructural (adj.) 基础结构的