
   Schizophrenia is a brain disease.  精神分裂是一种大脑疾病

  Its defining feature is psychosis, or being out of touch with reality. 它的主要症状是幻想,或者是与现实脱离
  Delusions and hallucinations are hallmarks of the illness. 妄想和幻觉是这个病的标志
  Delusions are fixed and false beliefs that aren't responsive to evidence, 妄想是顽固,错误和不会因为现实而改变的信仰
  and hallucinations are false sensory experiences.  幻觉是不存在的感觉
  For example, when I'm psychotic I often have the delusion 比如,当我病发的时候,
  that I've killed hundreds of thousands of people with my thoughts. 我总是有我用我的想法杀了几百个人的错觉
  I sometimes have the idea that nuclear explosions are about to be set off in my brain. 我有时候会觉得自己脑子里正要发生核爆炸
  Occasionally, I have hallucinations,  也有时候,我有幻觉
  like one time I turned around and saw a man with a raised knife. 有个人在我后面高举这一把刀
  Imagine having a nightmare while you're awake.  想象以下在清醒的情况下做噩梦
  Often, speech and thinking become disorganized to the point of incoherence. 言语和思想经常变得没有头绪,简直没有任何逻辑
  Loose associations involves putting together words that may sound a lot alike but don't make sense, 当人有散漫的联想的时候,就会把一些很相似的词放在一起,没有任何意义
  and if the words get jumbled up enough, it's called "word salad."  感觉像一个文字混在一起的“沙拉”
  Contrary to what many people think, schizophrenia is not the same as multiple personality disorder or split personality. 和大部分人以为的恰好相反,精神分裂不是多重人格或人格分裂
  The schizophrenic mind is not split, but shattered.  精神分裂的大脑不是分开的,是破碎的
  Everyone has seen a street person, unkempt, probably ill-fed, 每个人都看到过街上有人不修边幅,营养不良
  standing outside of an office building muttering to himself or shouting. 站在外面乱对自己说话或者大声嚷嚷
  This person is likely to have some form of schizophrenia.  这种人多半是有精神分裂
  But schizophrenia presents itself across a wide array of socioeconomic status, 但是精神分裂出现在很多不同的社会层次中。
  and there are people with the illness who are full-time professionals with major responsibilities. 其中有很多患者是有全职工作的,承担着很大责任的。
  Several years ago, I decided to write down my experiences and my personal journey, 几年前,我决定把我的个人经历写下来
  and I want to share some more of that story with you today to convey the inside view. 而且我像和你分享更多我的个人经历,以此给大家一个轻身经历的人的角度看待这个事情