
   So, I just started playing.  于是,我开始拉琴

  And I played the first movement of the Beethoven Violin Concerto.  我演奏了贝多芬小提琴协奏曲的第一乐章
  And as I played, I understood that there was a profound change occurring in Nathaniel's eyes. 当我演奏的时候,我知道Nathaniel的眼睛里有一种奥妙的变化
  It was as if he was in the grip of some invisible pharmaceutical,  好象他抓住了什么隐形的药
  a chemical reaction, for which my playing the music was its catalyst. 象是经历了化学反应,而我的演奏就是催化剂
  And Nathaniel's manic rage was transformed into understanding, a quiet curiosity and grace. 他的狂躁愤怒也转化成理解,安静的好奇,和优雅
  And in a miracle, he lifted his own violin and he started playing, by ear, 神奇的是,他拿起了他的小提琴,他也跟着开始演奏
  certain snippets of violin concertos  小提琴协奏曲的某些片断
  which he then asked me to complete -- Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Sibelius. 然后他又要我来完成,门德尔松,柴可夫斯基,西贝柳斯
  And we started talking about music, from Bach to Beethoven and Brahms, 于是我们开始谈论音乐:从巴赫到贝多芬,布拉姆斯
  Bruckner, all the B's, from Bartok, all the way up to Esa-Pekka Salonen. 布鲁克纳,所有名字以B打头的人,从巴托克一直到艾沙·佩卡·萨洛宁
  And I understood that he not only had an encyclopedic knowledge of music, 我了解到他不但是一本音乐大百科全书
  but he related to this music at a personal level.  而且他能将这些音乐跟他个人的感受联系起来
  He spoke about it with the kind of passion and understanding 他讲到那些东西时充满了激情和对音乐深刻的理解,
  that I share with my colleagues in the Los Angeles Philharmonic. 仿佛是我跟我在洛杉矶交响乐团的同事们之间交流时一样
  And through playing music and talking about music,  通过演奏音乐,谈论音乐
  this man had transformed from the paranoid, disturbed man  这个人从一个偏执,不安的
  that had just come from walking the streets of downtown Los Angeles 刚才还在洛杉矶大街上晃悠的流浪汉
  to the charming, erudite, brilliant, Juilliard-trained musician. 变成了一个迷人,博学,优秀的受过朱丽亚音乐学院教育的音乐家
  Music is medicine. Music changes us.  音乐是良药。音乐改变着我们
  And for Nathaniel, music is sanity.  对nathaniel来说,音乐是帮助他开启心智
  Because music allows him to take his thoughts and delusions 因为音乐可以帮他将他的思维,妄想,转换成形,
  and shape them through his imagination and his creativity, into reality. 通过他的想象力和创造力变成现实
  And that is an escape from his tormented state. 而正是这个帮助他从煎熬中解脱出来
  And I understood that this was the very essence of art.  而我知道这就是艺术的真髓
  This was the very reason why we made music,  这正是我们创造音乐的原因
  that we take something that exists within all of us at our very fundamental core, 我们用我们每个人都拥有的一种内在,我们的最根本的核心
  our emotions, and through our artistic lens,  我们的感情,通过我们的艺术的镜头
  through our creativity, we're able to shape those emotions into reality.  通过我们的创造力,将我们的情感塑造成现实
  And the reality of that expression reaches all of us and moves us, inspires and unites us. 而这种现实的表达,传递给我们所有的人,感动我们,启迪我们,团结我们
  And for Nathaniel, music brought him back into a fold of friends. 而对Nathaniel,音乐把他带回到一群朋友中
  The redemptive power of music brought him back into a family of musicians 音乐的挽救力将他带回到音乐的大家庭
  that understood him, that recognized his talents and respected him. 这里人们理解他,承认他的天赋,尊重他
  And I will always make music with Nathaniel,  而我会永远为他创造音乐
  whether we're at Walt Disney Concert Hall or on Skid Row, because he reminds me why I became a musician. 无论是在迪斯尼的音乐厅,或者Skid Row的大街上,因为他提示着我为什么我要做音乐家
  Thank you.  谢谢